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Honey Glazed Roasted Grey Squirrel

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Been there. Watched the vid and still come to the same conclusion. WHY. Tough as old boots and really not that tasty. I know you seasoned and honeyed and all the rest but to be fair, why bother? Jok.

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The best way is to slow cook them Jok, then the meat falls off the bone. Squirrel meat is delicious and very underated, we have to try different methods and see what works. The best way to answer why is because its the best way of showing respect to the animal ?

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any wild meat will end up tough if you fukc up cooking it, lack of fat through the meat means you have to treat it differently to the crap sheite you get from Tesco or any other supermarket, I actually prefer it to rabbit but by fukc it`s a pain in the arris to skin

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4 minutes ago, neil82 said:

any wild meat will end up tough if you fukc up cooking it, lack of fat through the meat means you have to treat it differently to the crap sheite you get from Tesco or any other supermarket, I actually prefer it to rabbit but by fukc it`s a pain in the arris to skin

You tried the tail method,takes les than one minute 

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To CH. yes mate, I agree with slow cooking and I do a hell of a lot of it producing 40/50 different game pies every week. When I watched the clip there certainly wasn't a slow cooker in evidence , therefore, tough as shoe leather squirrel. I remember some years back when I hosted a shoot dinner and my wife and I decided to try squirrel as an option. Whilst it wasn't dish of the day, our guests were good enough  not to say or mention their like/dislike. However, almost everything else got the fork and knife treatment. The dogs had the rest. I agree however that we must try our best with anything we shoot and applaud anyone who has a go. Just had 15 brace of pheasant delivered so looks like I'll be busy in the morning. Jok.

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Ch. Now then. Them pheasants have become game and Silton pies with onion and woodland mushrooms. These guys are what the locals really enjoy as I try to inovate as much as possible. There's no point in putting pics up as a pie is a pie but try to imagine the aromas. Good cooking. Jok.

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Nice to see you on here Terry. Long time. I'm still churning out the goodies. Gave up my allotment today in favour of somethings closer to home. But still at it. As aforementioned, pheasants being delivered to my door so new pie recipes about to be released. I'm thinking pheasant done in a cranberry sauce with onion and wild mushrooms. Jok.

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