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EDRD Magazine

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Just got the latest issue through the post and looks like the end of the mag could be in sight unless someone steps up to take it off Dave's hands. Its on issue 320 now and it will be called a day at 360 apparently. Sad prospect, hope someone steps up. :( 

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3 hours ago, Lamper121 said:

Just got the latest issue through the post and looks like the end of the mag could be in sight unless someone steps up to take it off Dave's hands. Its on issue 320 now and it will be called a day at 360 apparently. Sad prospect, hope someone steps up. :(

Read that bit last night about him stepping down.

Dave Harcombe will be coming up to 85 shortly.

Only 10 mags a year now.


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I don’t think anyone could take up the mantle and carry it on. In Harcombe’s own words he was late to the digging scene (50 year old I think) so he had all that early enthusiasm most of us have in our teenage years and has been retired/ semi retired all that time so he had the time to do it too. Not knocking the man he is a great writer and has done the working terrier no harm, but the only men who could carry it on would be almost retired themselves and after 30 + years in the game could they really be arsed? I hope I’m wrong but I very much doubt it.

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