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Last night dog sprained her hock joint turning hard (and fell over). Initially she couldn't put any weight on it, but was hobbling around on that foot well enough a few hours later. Today the joint is still swollen and not articulating properly when walking, but the dog is happy and I'm having to stop her playing and racing around in the yard. I have tried gently articulating the joint a small amount with the foot off the ground, which it does fine and doesn' t seem to cause pain. I'm guessing it is rest until the swelling goes down then lead walking for a couple of weeks, but wanted to ask on here if there is anything else to do on the understanding that problems with this joint is a common source of career ending injuries.

Would it be worth getting it x-rayed to be sure? The local vets would want to anaethesatise to x-ray which is best avoided and the greyhound vets I have heard of are halfway across the country, although I will go if that is what it takes.

Photo from a few minutes ago, joint swollen and can't see 'knuckle' at all but dog is normal happy self


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? I'll get booked in to see Rob. Been standing her in a bucket of cold water to work on the swelling as she won't stay still with frozen wrapped in a tea towel. Got to be careful, she's already tweaked the injury on a short lead walk to get her to empty. Hope it is going to heal, the dog is barely four.

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Hi mate try running cold water from a hose slowly over the joint just a slow trickle and slowly manipulate the joint 10 minutes in the morning  midday and last thing at night before you kennel the dog up my dog had similar injury and it worked for him you need to try and increase the blood flow around the injury give it a try and if your still not sure get x Ray done hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was looking bad at one point, surprised how quickly the dog went downhill physically and mentally being kept in. Turned out to be unusual tendon damage and should heal 100% . Lesson learned, with potentially serious injuries like this, take it to a specialist and get it xrayed. I used https://www.mikeguilliard.co.uk/

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