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To shoot or not to shoot

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Was called last night by a farmer. He was cutting silage and 4 foxes were playing in the newly cut grass oblivious of all the machinery. He wanted me to come over and shoot as many as I could. So off I went rifle in the landrover over to the permission. By the time I arrived he was in another field, didn’t take long for me to spot the foxes. There were indeed 4 foxes but they were young cubs not much larger than your neighbourhood cat. I decided not to shoot them as they were so young. I know if he found out he’d probably think I was an idiot. I do agree they may not be a problem now but when they grow up they will be creating havoc. I’ll give them a few months and tackle them when they are wiser and had time to grow. What’s everyone’s opinion on this? 

No shooting done but with a night like this does it really matter? 


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You don't do this very often do you! This is a very common area I have to deal with, people keep a few chickens at home, almost as pets, the children commonly look after them and are usually firs

I shoot as Pest Control, I wouldn't get any work if I didn't shoot.  Why would you wait for a pest to grow up before stopping it?

I tend to look at it this way . I don’t like killing foxes when they’ve got litters of cubs . Because if you kill a milky vixen then unless you can find the earth and deal with the cubs they will star

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100% I would of shot them if asked to and being Cubs the others would of hung around after the first shot, to clear them all together 

P.S. that’s a lovely scene where you are ?

Edited by Stavross
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From little acorns do come mighty oaks. 4 cubs playing by the den would mean 4 'empties' in the ammo pouch on my permission.

I know what your reasoning is, but why wait for them to become the problem you know they will become ? Take them today and there's no problem tomorrow.

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So went out with the farmer this evening and shot 3 of the cubs. Even with their siblings dropping they still came into the call. The last one disappeared with its mother. I have nothing against shooting cubs as I know to shoot them 3 when grown up wouldn’t be as easy, just wanted peoples views on the matter. Since November I’ve shot 32 foxes on this single permission. So never a lack of foxes here. 

Thanks for the replies 

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It's not sport rifling foxes. Just flatten them at whatever time causes the least suffering.

Understandable holding off on the vixen if you hadn't time to do the job properly.

Edited by Born Hunter
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