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Any one know if you can get lung worm meds with out going vets and charged £30 quid to see each dog then hammerd again for meds.

aint so bad just £30 and then tabs but I got 3 lurchers .so it's well over £100 for them .vets take the mick .

i don't like spot ons as my dog comes out with bad rash .

please pm me if you can get milbamax .


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11 hours ago, Gilbey said:

at my vets you just buy them at reception, don't need to see the dog

Yes that's what I thout ,but I called my usual vet and they want to  see each dog befor giving this wormer.

you can buy spot on and panucur I think it's called but I'm not putting spot on any of my dogs again ,my whippet x came out with a rash but looked like a burn all down is back because of the stuff ,bedy grey looked sour as well .

my whippet x started to cough  around two yr ago ,the  vet said it was k cough and it kept coming back to point we  thout we was loosing him he looked that bad ,the vet did lung wash etc and still said k cough and they gave antibiotics and they did nothing .they then gave steroids that did nothing but make him look like a fat lab .they didn't have a clue what was wrong but just wanted £££££

so 3 different vets later we foundts one that Jackie drakeford recommended ,we was lucky he new a very good vet close to our home .

my boy was given a X-ray and blood tests ,the X-ray showed two lesions on one of his lungs ,now this could have been a grass seed ,cancer or lung worm .

we worm all our dogs with vet wormers that should keep our dogs safe from all worms .

the vet gave him lung worm treatment just to rule it out and the next step would b a mri scan to see what lesions on lung are .

once home he started to improve each day and he only coughs when he wakes up after sleeping or when he gets excited .

so it looks like lung worm ,he's sufferd for last two yrs with this as two vets said k cough .

now vet is asking 30 pound to see each dog and stupid money for meds .

this is after costing me over a 12 hundred pounds trying to find out what's wrong with him 

you'd think they would say sorry we got it wrong ,but no they only interest in ££££££.

i will never take them back to old vets after this ,I will pay the money they ask for as my dogs mean more than cash but when your struggling anyway it's a cost I don't need .

i think it's 164 for the 3 dogs ,it's a lot of money to get dogs wormed .

i was told you can get them in Europe and posted with out prescription but I karnt find any .




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I'd be registering them with a better vet. I'm at work so cant check for sure but think a pack of 4 Milprazon(same as Milbemax) for your dogs is £18 under £20 anyway. Never used a spot on so don't know

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On 21/04/2019 at 09:55, Gilbey said:

I'd be registering them with a better vet. I'm at work so cant check for sure but think a pack of 4 Milprazon(same as Milbemax) for your dogs is £18 under £20 anyway. Never used a spot on so don't know

I got sorted mate ,some one told me a site you can order them from.

they cost just under 20 pounds for 4 so a lot cheaper than rip of vets .

i used the same vet for yrs when we lived near p,boro ,he was track vet but we moved and vets close to us are after one thing "money"

and I will never use spot ins again .



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On 21/04/2019 at 18:08, Balaur said:

Okay I just ordered from vetuk just had to tick a box saying I'll post or email the prescription across at a later date. Got myself bravecto for these ticks and fleas. Atb Joe 

Ordered them today mate .?

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1 hour ago, W. Katchum said:

Panacur ain’t a spot on its liquid ye give orally to mutts over 3 days

Panacur is for treating it not preventing it I think, and its a week for lungworm.

to prevent it you need to give something like Milbemax monthly, I think..

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1 hour ago, Gilbey said:

Panacur is for treating it not preventing it I think, and its a week for lungworm.

to prevent it you need to give something like Milbemax monthly, I think..

Is it the ivomectin in milbemax that keeps lungworm at bay? 

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