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34 minutes ago, tb25 said:

Its what am aiming for me...

My eating habbits have been shit over the years but am slowly getting there.

Cheers for the advise mate?

Not meaning to sound a smart arse. For most people, gaining muscular size, strength and wellbeing, is a slow process, that CAN'T be rushed, but VERY satisfying when you start getting it all together. Changes your whole outlook on life for the better. Good luck to all you lads that want to get at it?

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On 28/04/2019 at 20:13, W. Katchum said:

I’m on most that already pal after talking to you guys in here an couple other guys, an i steer clear a the bravado bull shite I’m getting off folk at gym like ‘you could do that to failure mate, or don’t listen to all that diet shit of ye work hard am often enough ye can eat shite am look good ? now I know they could work for folk that are at it years or naturally gifted but I got enough of a jist that sensible that’s not way to go, I eat like fcuk, don’t exactly count what I eating but know it’s a bout right for what I weigh an do, tastes stuff I’d never a dreamed off, who’s have known avocado ain’t that bad ?seriously amazed at how strong me legs am core are but how bad me arms am shoulders are ? but that’s cool. It will come with time an hard work? but it’s honwstly the only time I’ve ever actually enjoyed excersize  an no seen it as a chore ? Iv stick to that strong lifts programme with  only some chin ups, pull ups. An some wee movement where ye sit down am have a dumb bell in ye hand an ya use ye wrist to lift it. With palm up an palm down?? Was told it would build me wrist forearm an grip up for when dead lifts her heavier??? Don’t know what they called ? but the guy that told me to try em comes to gym now an again an lifts a lot an looks awrite am pretty much gave me same advice as you guys on here so I thought he knows what he talking about ?

That's the thing see katch, what works for some, won't work for others. Everyone's different. And it would help if you knew your own body's somatype  as to what type of training you do, high reps, low reps, or medium reps. Like I said before, only you will know your body, eating habits, sleeping habits, what exercises suit you etc. All I've said really is about eating right and sleeping right. Without knowing you, and being with you for guidance etc, it's very hard for someone to generalise on weight training for someone else. And I know in alot of gyms, when they give you the induction, half of them wouldn't know correct form, or kinesiology if it slapped them in the mouth lol. Anyway, good luck with it ?


Edited by shaaark
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8 hours ago, W. Katchum said:

What’s deal with creatine folks? Needed, shit or just summat some folks feel the need to use? Guy at gym gave me a big bag of it an told me to add 5g to me protein shake if I have one before me workout, I do have the odd shake if I am too busy to eat before I go gym, shall I add this stufd, or do one or other or fcuk em both off, Tbh this guy seems a bit more knowledgeable than most down there

Creatine deals with water retention within the cell so is tied in to better muscle protein synthesis it pulls water into the cells so you need to increase your water intake whenever supplementing with Creatine....within the muscle tissue itself it stores as a reserve called Pcr for the  high energy needs of muscle contraction and regenerates as Atp meaning it basically allows the muscles to perform longer before fatigue....fatigue comes due to lack of Atp or build up of lactic acid so by improving the regeneration of Atp glycolisis is held off and lactic acid reduced....it doesnt rebuild fibres but hydrates the muscle cells in order to train longer before fatigue... and so in a very roundabout way muscle mass can be gained.

In terms of simple " does Creatine make your muscles bigger "....its like saying " does Viagra make your dick bigger " ?


Edited by gnasher16
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thought some of you might find this intresting ....I mentioned this fella either earlier in this thread or on the other resant thread about training...

anyway this is cailer woolem ....doing 950 lbs deadlift sumo style....apart from him not looking like typical powerlifter with his hight ...look at the grip he uses....double over hand...and he hook grips it like Olympic weightlifters...no straps blows my mind....

for those that don't know hook grip is where you trap your thumb with your index and big finger......a bit like when your a kid and you make a fist with your thumb inside your fist..

it hurts like hell on your thumb...


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29 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

I’ll have a look mate, gumtree is shite down where I stay been looking about here an was gonna take em home bit think I’ll jist order some bars an stuff an see what’s about when I get i back

Do a search for a local gym supply. Craigslist is usually quite productive too as people buy new in January and get bored by March. They'll sell them on for summer beer money at a decent discount.

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6 hours ago, W. Katchum said:

Been away for a bit an wanna get some gear for getting home, so anybody know the best places to order some bars an plates an stuff online?? ?

if your on facebook book keep eye on local sales and get steal ones

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On 03/05/2019 at 13:41, W. Katchum said:

Been away for a bit an wanna get some gear for getting home, so anybody know the best places to order some bars an plates an stuff online?? ?

Wolverson fitness was  always good 

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2 hours ago, tb25 said:

My gyms shut 2day .

Totally f****d my routine up.

Starting 2 think am be coming obsessed ?

mine wernt....

so I was in there at lunch time.....cant miss Mondays.....international chest and arms day....:D

I'm looking at kitting an out house out....I think ebay is better than gumtree for gym gear if I'm honest.....if you want new theres a few places you could look but depends on price....

wolverson is good gear as is bulldog....theres also rogue ...but that's very expencive.....loads of no make bars for sale on the net....£60 for a 20 kilo Olympic bar...its the plates that cost the £££....and even more if you get bumpers

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