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Worst mole trap ever, for me ! (Putange)

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Pest Controller and Chimney Sweep - Ker-ching! You'd never be short of work out here. ?

I only do two days a week at most, quite often two days a fortnight is enough to keep on top of the job. I've done 15 calls today and still had time for a couple of hours fishing along the way. 11 calls tomorrow, and then off to the Dordogne valley in the motorhome Thursday until Monday. I'll only need half a day to catch up next week so I might get a bit of fishing in once I've painted the bedroom. If I were to do more rodents and start doing insect work too it would be a full time occupation, but I don't need the hassle.

If you are looking for a little do-er upper over here I'd suggest looking at the Notaire's national website: https://www.immobilier.notaires.fr/fr/annonces-immobilieres-liste?prixMin=15000&prixMax=40000&typeTransaction=VENTE,VNI,VAE&page=1&parPage=12&typeBien=MAI

Also Le Bon Coin: https://www.leboncoin.fr/

But that one is a bit harder to navigate.  Don't take any of the prices as firm. We made a 'Yorkshire Offer' on ours. The Notaire laughed when we went in at half price, but we were the ones laughing at the end ?

Hope everything goes well for you.

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must say I like france ...toured all round it a good few times camping mostly....wild swimming in lakes and rivers....it is a beautifull country.....one thing I dislike about it....but admire them for at the same time.....is shops closing at 5.....feckers..lol

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That's pretty much us too. We find what is now termed 'Wild Camping' spots and park up for a few days off grid for a bit of walking and swimming in the rivers. Not be doing that this week though. The water temp' won't be much over 12C ? 

The small shops round here are open 0700 - 1900 with a couple of hours off for lunch.

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WOW this is my first visit to this site for a long time and I never new traps could be so entertaining [brilliant] ive been managing pests and wildlife from fleas to deer  for about 45 years and used various traps and methods along the way and always enjoyed mole traping the most . This year ive bought 20 putange traps from ratpack as yet ive not used them  im still using talpex and flatpack duffus traps .      Without opening a big can o worms again are the putange treps from ratpack inferior in any way.

thanks in advance Cheers

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Without actually examining them it is hard to say. What I can say though is that they are not the ones used by many of the French pro's as they use traps with sloping prongs, not those at 90 degrees. Also, they aren't Lucifer, another popular make, as the steel on them is slightly thicker than the Ratpack ones seem to be and also not as shiny. They don't appear to have the tiger stripes that a lot of the traps made in the Far East have but it doesn't say on the advert whether they actually make them or buy them in. The prongs look to be very close together so the spring strength looks to be OK. Try pulling the prongs apart by hand. If you can't pull them more than 1cm apart then they should be strong enough.

Regards the second photo; don't set the trap as the photo shows. That couldn't be more wrong. The gap in the trigger should be between the prongs so the prongs squeeze the gap,



and that side of the trigger should be no more than a couple of millimetres protruding above the prongs.


As the traps lose their shine you can set the trigger a little higher so not as much protrudes below the prongs. It also helps to tie the twine on as shown or you'll lose the trigger.

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On 19/05/2019 at 12:36, Hoolit said:

WOW this is my first visit to this site for a long time and I never new traps could be so entertaining [brilliant] ive been managing pests and wildlife from fleas to deer  for about 45 years and used various traps and methods along the way and always enjoyed mole traping the most . This year ive bought 20 putange traps from ratpack as yet ive not used them  im still using talpex and flatpack duffus traps .      Without opening a big can o worms again are the putange treps from ratpack inferior in any way.

thanks in advance Cheers

Rat packs are Chinese copies 100%

buy better quality and you won’t be disappointed 


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