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Roker avenue or chester road with those two names mate "Our very own"??Not many blokes I know from pennywell or millfield would come out with that followed by those sort of names ?

They sound a real witty crowd up in hartlepool bet its a proper fun place .

Very own 17 year old bali mumba.? Are you sure.Don't sound local.

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7 minutes ago, South hams hunter said:

Simple question max, are you from Sunderland?

Very few people will actually admit to being from sunderland,if anyone ever asks I always say I am from Newcastle,its easier for them to geographically fix the place in their heads as its better known.

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44 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Mackem you've sold out there mate.

Most people from Sunderland will say they from Sunderland if asked say on holiday ect

They won't say Newcastle at all that's for sure ffs ?

Aint sold out BUT most people abroad haven't a clue where sunderland is but they always have some idea where Newcastle is,its a lot easier than explaining north-east geography to them ?

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1 hour ago, maxhardcore said:

you've sold out there mate.Most people from Sunderland will say they from Sunderland if asked 

Oi,you have been asked repeatedly on this thread are you from sunderland and have skirted the issue without giving a YES or NO answer ?

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1 minute ago, maxhardcore said:

A bit like a DLI lad jumping trenches to the Germans in the Second World War Mack .

It just wouldn't happen ?


Slight difference max,so spill the beans which part of sunderland were you born,i don't know prince bishops estate ? is it near suddick?

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12 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

Did I ever say I was a Mackem if there is such thing ?

Most of Sunderland's support ain't from the City

They from the banks of the river Wear to the shores or Sicily ?

Safc Support traditionally from

Sunderland ( which was in Co Durham)

Durham Coalfields

South Shields


and pre 92 all the north east were classed as Geordies .

Stick around Munter I will give you a History lesson .


Don't forget jarrow and hebburn  max 

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I've just watched the NUFC game. Don't think that Blackburn will be exactly shitting their knickers at the prospect of playing us this Tuesday.

The Makem thing is a strange one and has never been conclusively defined . The version that I like dates back to the days when the shipyards on the Wear and broad majestic Tyne shared contracts. The main build happened on the Wear and the final fit out was done on the Tyne. The Wear lads said "we makem, and you takem". Don't know if that's true or not but we both used to build the best ships in the world.

Most SAFC people that I know are proud to be known as Makems, apart from the ones from Washington. They regard themselves as Geordies but are proud red and white. Strange people in Washington.

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10 minutes ago, maxhardcore said:

That's right

Co Durham 

Land Of The Prince Bishops 

The County The River Wear flows thru to the Sea at Sunderland ?

I love showing off the North East. Sometimes it's to people from the south and sometimes from abroad. Once took a lass to Durham and she said to that "our" cathedral was the most beautiful building that she had ever seen. She was well travelled and born in Prague, they have some nice old piles over there. But Durham cathedral blew her way. She loved the Norman architecture.

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