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Any one ever find anything interesting when they're out with the dogs ??

Aye and the dog on the right is called Spit....

Nope sorry mate thought it was greengrass its clearly sadam husein my mistake

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I once found a jelly fish in the North sea for some reason it's big mouth and vocal landing surprised me  but I'm assured by the locals spineless things and big gobs  are the norm around Sunderland 

Edited by Blackmag
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I missed the ending a shame really as I had just written a reply to Private Pike which wasn't very nice , but anyway Water under the Bridge .

Back in the day I was off work for a long time and I had the kids when the mrs went work ,at the time they had lifted all the railway tracks  and I could drive for miles around the old quarry lines , I used to put the two babes and my rifle in the landrover and set of and made some good bags of game  then one morning I was going past some old work shops miles out in the wilds and there was two cases of Brandy 48 bottles per case ,I left them be and went home and tried to sell them but no one wanted them , all the bars and dives I used to use not one taker so they got left , very odd

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was walking an old railway line checking earths with the dogs few yrs back,a bitch I had started to mark an earth so turned the collar on and let her go....went in started baying but came out after a few minutes ,started going round in circles ?wtf?tried her again and she ,went back to the same mark but was silent,started to dig and my bitch came away and showed at the mouth of the hole,I was scratching my head,she had a few season's work and was a reliable dog never done it before.....put her back on the couple's and sat down rolled a burn...turned around and there was a little black and tan Russell x bitch sat there with its tail wagging...had had a face full as well,turns out it was a young farmers girlfriends pet lol,they told me it takes it's self off rabbitting quite often.i found it on another 2 occasions when walking the same land,also bolted a feral cat from the same earth I found it in that time.


few seasons back I  was out walking the dogs and found a dead polish girl hanging in a tree?rang police and stayed there until they cut her down .......

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Found a couple of suicides. 

Once dug to the ferret that was trying to attack a hedgehog that had a fox snare on it ?

Was fishing the ribble, in the water with my waders on when a vibrator floated past, it didn't have batteries so was quite buoyant. I netted it as it floated past. 

Edited by DIDO.1
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