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Deoprting wrong'uns

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First we need to admit the pedos are Pakistani origin,thats part of the problem,the media and those in high office skirt around the facts but the facts are part of the problem,pakistani origin males see nothing wrong with grooming white kids,its almost part of their culture but in Pakistan they have a lot of male child rape,here its girls they concentrate on.

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 One of the son in laws takes the unwelcome abduls, Mohameds and mbongos back to where they came from but  Something that the majority  of people don't  understand is that sometime's the country won't accept them back or the origin of the person can't  be found. Also these so called paki gang members were born here so this country is responsible for them. One thing that I  don't  agree with is the fact that these small boats of people that are being smuggled across the channel are not being put on the  next ferry back over to France. Instead they are given a medical check over their details ( i.e.. Mickey mouse... Fred smith) taken and then they are given a rail ticket to London and sent on their way and told to book in once a week. ( yeah right ). The smugglers are using this as a selling point to the others on the other side. Words from politicians are just that, words. They could have sorted this year's ago when they used to come over hanging onto the bottom of trains. They should have loaded them on a transport plane and flown them out to Bagram air base in Afghan, marched to the perimeter  by sargent major Williams and booted through the gate..... irregardless of where they came from. ...  oh dear, how sad,,,, never mind! ,!,!

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The ones who have came across the channel are learning,they are adapting the techniques from Libya across to Italy and turkey to Greece,it was only a matter of time,they are not fleeing from anything so they are illegal migrants,we are setting a precedent by picking them up mid-channel and bringing them here,bad move as it encourages others,soon there will be someone who cottons onto the fact that cheap RIB's and crappy small motors would be a great market to get into near Calais just as they did in turkey,then it will be a daily crossing of illegals.

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