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Correct. Of those nine countries some receive more back in trade within the EU than they  put in.  When they hand the dosh over to Brussels and Brussels then divvies it out to the poorer EU count

If you want to see hatred look at the political left. From antifa to momentum to unite against hate.  We arnt full of hate we are just pissed off.  Being against giving power to the eu isn't

What the latest news has demonstrated is that May's policy of appeasement to the EU was similar to Chamberlain's appeasement towards Hitler in the 1930's. By standing up to the EU and removing any hop

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1 hour ago, sandymere said:

That’s a really interesting little film.

I have said for a long time that if you rob people of their sense of nationhood, culture and, via the tax system, their sense of any hope of ever breaking free.......if you make them feel like second class citizens in their own land then it’s going to go wrong, badly f***ing wrong.

Its what happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s.

As it stands, many British people feel dispossessed.......they don’t matter beyond their tax code, the burdens of the state and of the cost of just living mean they will never, ever earn enough to be free except for a couple of years before they die.

Even after that, the state will rob their sons and daughters of half of what they leave behind.

They see their speech curtailed, they see what they can write censored, even what they can read is censored.

And they look around.......and they see people who don’t look like them seeming to be able to openly say and do as they please.

They see money thrown at areas these people live in while they themselves are worrying how they meet the next mortgage payment.

Their children are in danger from all manner of people that range from African gangs and county lines drug dealers to sex offenders.......and yet they see and MP on the tele reluctant to talk about these things and give these people a name.

The ordinary indigenous bloke feels like nothing in his own land and he gets angry.......this is the fertile soil for hate.

Its how a Landscape Gardner becomes a soldier committing  genocide.

And the left isn’t helping by constantly shutting down the debate, it’s not helping by legislating this bloke into silence.......his hate won’t go away because you make a law preventing him saying it out loud......it gets worse, it burns hotter.

You people have helped create this monster and until people of your political persuasion also take time for self reflection instead of talking down to folks it won’t get any better.

Like most problems, look at yourselves first and take it from there.

Edited by WILF
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Just now, sandymere said:

My point exactly.

Mate, you don’t have a f***ing point.....you just spew rhetoric exactly the same as others you slag off for spewing rhetoric.

If you don’t feel that every side of the political spectrum holds  some responsibility then you are no different in your attitudes than the people in that study you copied and pasted.

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Leftie scum cnts I mean u cnts from the left  mmm u scummy leftie shit cnts x Merkel ur going the afd route and macron your fkd not too long and the Eu crumbles and the media will still ask the question ? “ why “ lol fkn idiots and those remainers 

Edited by green lurchers
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Mps have just rejected calls for an election. Boris is playing a blinder really, even though it is stressful and frustrating at times. He's showing them all up for what they are. He has a simple message and is the only one trying to move forward. 

There must now be an election this year, he has a simple strong message and if the brexit party and farage put country first we could be in a fantastic position 

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13 hours ago, WILF said:

So, the man had enough sense not to allow the government to steal millions of pounds of his money to piss away remorselessly ?.......is that what you are saying?

Sounds like he has his head screwed on.

You do realise that everyone has access to the legal means to reduce tax, grants for certain things etc etc don’t you?


Constantly trying to pay more tax to chuck in the hole personally.... I like giving half my money away so the lazy fuckers are well supported...


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We are going to have an election. For years the conservatives havnt been able to talk about anything except brexit, they have been tied up in knots. Now in this election campaign they can really talk about other things. While Labour will be tied up in knots on brexit, because the only thing Labour can offer on brexit is years of the one thing everyone is sick of ie. more confusion, uncertainty and delays. 


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45 minutes ago, Pirate 9000 said:

Boris has said he will not ask the EU for a extension he would rather be found dead in a ditch.

He will resign if there is on deal on the 19th of October. 

Cheers Arry

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