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I have put you forward for the “Judith Chalmers Award” for the most holidays taken by a British serving soldier in his military career ! 

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It’s still there mate, our military are, imho, the last bastion of all that is great about Britain.

Spend even a little time amongst those lads and it makes you feel positive again.......obviously I have met a few of Stiffs pals, spent time on camp, heard about the craic in his various tours of Afghan and it’s still alive amongst these men.

Top lads that you just can’t help feeling positive when you leave their company.


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The other great thing about our military is that the craic is savage, not everyone is a f***ing sissy about everything.......you can make a joke about absolutely howling things and nobody is getting all het up about it, which imho is British gallows humour at its finest and very much part of our nations male character.

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On 03/06/2018 at 01:20, WILF said:


I have heard varying reports about “H” Jones, some saying he was a hero and others a f***ing liability putting blokes in needless danger.

My old man was in the marines just after the 2nd world war finished, and he told me of his captain. The guy was from a military family that went back hundreds of years and the old man always said he thanked God they never saw action because the guy was "mad as a f***ing hatter" and would happily have got them all killed if it gave him the chance to be a hero. We seem to have had more of that type of soldier than most over the years but I doubt there will be so many in the future the way the countrys going.


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I had a mate who served in the Royal Marines at that time. He told me that they had a joke/saying prior to the Falkland War:

What’s the most dangerous man in the world?  A sailor with a rifle.

Post Falkland:

Whats the most dangerous man in the world? An officer with a map.

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