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The internet and hunting

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Does the internet and hunting forums concern you, is it going to put the final nail in the coffin of legal hunting in the UK, and drive the hardcore underground. Some of the shite you see on social media sites , you know the braggarts, hard men, and bullshitters are going to kill legal hunting. I really think in the next 5 years that any form of hunting with dogs will be banned. Do you believe these forums are destroying our sport And what if any thing can be done to rectify that view. 

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I think  on the whole hunting is promoted positively by the forum community  and the well run forums but as in life in General your always going to get the divs who openly flaunt the laws and deserve the wrath of the law and the hunting community. ...I don't think it will mean the end of hunting with dogs I think at this point in time the world has bigger concerns 

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17 minutes ago, kanny said:

I think  on the whole hunting is promoted positively by the forum community  and the well run forums but as in life in General your always going to get the divs who openly flaunt the laws and deserve the wrath of the law and the hunting community. ...I don't think it will mean the end of hunting with dogs I think at this point in time the world has bigger concerns 

My buttons bigger than yours lol ? 

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I think some of them are brilliant young dedicated kids and old hands that used to come on here , there is seldom anything of interest on here now days and i rarely post pictures but other sites are booming ,whilst i have no rabbits in my areas others have and are putting up pictures of rabbits that they in there hundreds week in week out , in my opinion the General  talk section is now dominating the site and the real enthusiasts are leaving  so they can connect with like minded people . I still log in mainly through habit but the core members who made this Forum have gone to pastures new  where membership is by invite or by being vouched for . To me it is a shame how this site has evolved  from its original form but its had a good run and i hope it continues  for the few genuine fellahs that pop back now and again .

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9 hours ago, keepitcovert said:

Does the internet and hunting forums concern you, is it going to put the final nail in the coffin of legal hunting in the UK, and drive the hardcore underground. Some of the shite you see on social media sites , you know the braggarts, hard men, and bullshitters are going to kill legal hunting. I really think in the next 5 years that any form of hunting with dogs will be banned. Do you believe these forums are destroying our sport And what if any thing can be done to rectify that view. 

forums are not destroying it its allready destroyed .this is not the forum it used to be for sure ,but they do seem to be on the ball now in respect of keeping the content legal.

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theres some good forums ,but there is the odd one that spoils it for the sport,like most things in life you always get the idiot that wants to spoil it for the rest of us

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I only use Facebook for pages relating to my hobbies. I’m a member of a few hunting and shooting-related pages, and to be fair the moderators do quite a good job of removing volatile posts, and turning-away questionable members. There are some truly idiotic posts, but the community is quick to point this out, and or remove the said post. 

I have seen a few situations where anti groups (such as the hunt saboteurs) have screenshotted other people’s hunting-related photos, and put them onto their own pages for everybody to take the p*** out of. Amongst general comments of “inbred” and “scum”, I have also seen verbal threats, even to the extent of death. Although these antis are completely out of order, it does point to the importance of privacy settings. It’s the antis that scream the loudest, so it’s wise to never give them any ammunition. 

One problem is that Facebook hunting pages are for people with specific interests, therefore they can be private, member-only pages. Anti pages have to be public, as they’re trying to gain public support. Anti pages can easily be shared, tagged, forwarded, etc, so if the antis get their hands on a questionable image, it can be all over Facebook in hours. 

Social media is a brilliant thing, but it must be used wisely. Do yourself a favour and set the privacy setting to the absolute maximum. Friends only. 

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22 hours ago, keepitcovert said:

Does the internet and hunting forums concern you, is it going to put the final nail in the coffin of legal hunting in the UK, and drive the hardcore underground. Some of the shite you see on social media sites , you know the braggarts, hard men, and bullshitters are going to kill legal hunting. I really think in the next 5 years that any form of hunting with dogs will be banned. Do you believe these forums are destroying our sport And what if any thing can be done to rectify that view. 

Tough call this one. The forums have been the evolution of the hunting community in a sense. Back in the day, you had to wait for the CMW and EDRD to read your latest hunting news. Today you can log into any one of these forums to tell stories or post shite depending on your inclination.

Will the braggarts, hard men, and bullshitters kill hunting? That's a tough one. Many moons ago when some of us were posting/moderating on this forum, and others that have since closed, we argued the same points. Stop posting graphic images. Stop giving people ammunition to use against us. We were vilified for it. We were called out for trying to limit damage and called every name under the sun even when lads from this forum were being pulled in and presented with dossiers of posts/pictures that they'd published on the public forums.

To answer the question I don't think it will kill hunting but if you're the type of person that gets a semi seeing some of the more graphic pictures then you'll be disappointed in the future as that material will gradually dry up. Even some of the morons of the recent past have finally realised that posting what are essentially crime scene photos from devices that log GPS coordinates is really f*ck*ng stupid! Even more moronic is doing on platforms that tie it all into your family and personal information. I've said this a lot but years ago police and antis had to actually go out into the field to catch people in the act. As Q says in Skyfall "I would hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pyjamas before my first cup of earl grey than you can in a year in the field." And it's true!

That's the bad news. The good news is that these are the low hanging fruit. They're not going to go into the field on a cold January morning when they can simply turn on the computer. The future favours the stealthy! :ninja:

Edited by ChrisJones
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