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Over Doging Your Self Your Views How Many Is To Many

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I see people all the time with a good few in service running dogs in there possession all ways bumming An blowing there good dog men An all there dogs are good hard workers lol in your opinion how many is to many for my self it should always be retired sofa dog and a in service seasoned working dog and a apprentice learning the trade ready for when the time comes to take over the seasoned worker on his/her retirement when the time comes I know people will say depending on work load during the season I aim

For 3 sometimes 4 good nights a week An a Sunday ferreting sesh An feel sometimes Ive not done enough work by the one animal I'm running I guess you can only run what's available but surly the game population were ever there fromis not that booming enough to own numbers of running dogs

What's your opinions on blokes with numbers of running dogs

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Personally don't see why people should worry there self about other people dogs

I personally have enough work for two lurchers and two terriersbut there is at least 3 year between them so the older ones are in there prime while the pups come through then when the pups a ready the

Ive got 4 here one 14 one 12 and the two pups just turned a year but ive waited to long i should of got the pups in two year ago

I normally try to keep 2,the ideal plan is one slowing down and one coming up.i do some lamping foxes not loads but main thing for me is hunting out covers by day for foxes.i like to test a dog with lots of work if I can,from age 2 on I try to see what they are really made of to see if they are worth breeding from.i also keep a few beagle crosses and the lads I hunt with do the same.we catch a fair few foxes every season by lurcher and digging but if you count other lads lurchers out then for me one lurcher is enough to have out to see what they are made of,giving a dog multiple foxes every week(if you are lucky)will soon tell you how good they are.

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I've got 4 here at the moment, a 14 year old collie cross, a saluki greyhound x collie whippet coming 5 a good little all round bitch on fur and feather, a coursing bred bitch just turned 2 but she has knocked a shoulder and not sure of a total recovery, so this lead me to bringing in another 7wk old pup that I decided rather to have than not to have in the worst case scenario, even although I have 4 I'm not over dogged, so here's hoping for a full recovery and a fruitful season ahead atb lads

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I have too many. 5, a 10 year old lurcher retiree on the sofa, an aging whippet russell worker at 10, my main lurcher bitch at 7, a terrier who acts older than his 9 years and a 18 month old spanielxterrier who is his apprentice. They are alot of work but still miss out on days / nights in the season due to injury

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Running dogs IMO no more than 2 working. It's a lot of work to find three dogs work week in week out. 2 for me seems suffice if one gets injured you have the other to run and vice Versa. I would say having spaniels and bushing dogs wouldn't over dog you, aslong as you can get them out.

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