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Think most lurchers are capable of what your asking

Anything except a fkn saluki

Forget to say Liverpool residents not allowed to answer they only get meat from Tesco any way

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I would have a South African boerboel ... I could walk into any butchers in any climate or terrain and take exactly what meat I wanted with one of those at my side lol ..........

sounds like you're after man meat again Ken :icon_eek:

Edited by trenchfoot
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To be honest would you really want a dog to feed yourself unless you lived in an area with loads of deer ? A dog needs feeding gets injured ect a snare net or baited line won't get hurt can have hundreds going at once doesn't need feeding and works 24hrs a day ....


But to answer the qestion It would probably be one of those cattle dogs or a Malinois type for me something that's more than just a hunting dog.

Edited by C.green
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To be honest would you really want a dog to feed yourself unless you lived in an area with loads of deer ? A dog needs feeding gets injured ect a snare net or baited line won't get hurt can have hundreds going at once and works 24hrs a day ....


exactly as much as i love my dog work,,,those other methods might be a better choise...


in fact the ultimate poachers tool,,,would be a 22 rimfire,,,nothing you couldnt harvest with one,,including the larger deer,,,at close range of course

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A good line of lurcher to lurcher bred dogs put to a good line of coursing bred dogs, on paper and from ones i know of, that type should/will do whats required.

Though if i were to venture down that line, i'd end up with bin licking shite...

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