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Lure Fishing /spinning

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I mainly fish the fly but spinning/lure fishing can be very enjoyable. Fly lads mainly frown upon it but if you are fishing light you can get a lot of enjoyment, in my eyes it is not just chuck and turn, i try to read the river and present the bait where i think the fish could be lying in different situations, good ly's will change with water height, color etc. Same as worming, done correctly a skillfull method. I am just waiting on a little rise and will have the lures out, can't wait for a go.

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Had a quick hour out tonight, little rise in water. Fished a couple of pools, neck's fast running, very rocky pot holes into a nice glide then a nice tail. Fished it down with a floating rapala, you can ease off of reeling when the rap is going onto rocks, the rap will float to the top and not get snagged on the rocks, on a clear bit crank it back down. Never touched anything with the rap. I then changed to my favourite bait on this bit , a number 2 mepp's aglia, i fish it upstream, gets down well that way and meets the fish head on, you can cast upstream into the slack pockets where hopefully the fish will be laying, anyway got a brown trout about 1/2 lb i put back then hooked and lost a nice clean sea trout about the 1 1/2 lb mark. Shows the mepps was getting down deeper on the upstream cast but maybe the rap never covered them them. Who knows, thats the beauty of the game, you learn all the time.

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