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Hi gents.


I do a bit of stalking, I currently stalk with. 2506 and. 308


I fancy a change...


Not necessarily right now, maybe in the next 5 years depending on what it is goimg to cost me but I am lookimg to begin a bit of research into something I saw on here that has peaked my interest.


In short I want to know if it is possible and legal to shoot deer in the UK with a bloody great big black Powder rifle with a a hexagonal barrel that is as long as I am tall and ammunition I have loaded amd bullets I have cast myself.


Does anyone on here already do it?

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LA longe carapi,long rifle favoured by early American settlers .You are in the wrong country for experiments of that nature mate .Bullet speed would determine its use in this country I guess as well as any black powder ownership issues .Your cast bullets would have to fit criteria too.

Good luck though mate .

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Already have an explosives licence for black Powder so that's not an issue.


I see where you are coming from with the bullet speed. That's why i was wondering of anyone was doing it now.


I will do some serious research into the American stuff and whatbspeeds they are pushing etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bullet speed issues only apply in Scotland.

Energy level requirement is easily achieved for England.

As soft lead is the common expanding material part of an expanding bullet, soft lead bullets used in black powder cartridges or muzzleloaders is by default expanding.


By the way, the barrels are octagon!


Go for it, I would!



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I could get you a muntjac or a roe to pop at with a muzzle loader in south Norfolk if you want?,we have a full muzzle loader day on the shoot each year so big bangs and lots of smoke ain't a problem here :laugh:

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If you ever want to see the effectiveness of muzzleloaders on deer YouTube it and or visit themuzzleloadingforum.

May see me there!


Home office aka big brother won't grant a muzzleloading rifle for deer!

They can't argue over metallic cartridges the fools!!


Fortunately obtaining front loading smoothbore is easy ;-).


Metallic cartridges and BP are easy, sometimes not needing and crimping!


Avoid smokeless lubes! Make your own from beeswax and olive oil or candlewax and olive oil.

You want to see a wet star at the muzzle, indicating plenty of lube keeping the fouling soft.

If no star is present you may need to make a grease cookie.

You can look them up.


Keep in touch :-)



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I shoot a .45 cal replica Hawkins Plains rifle and find it accurate out to around 120 yards using using a .44 lead ball and patch lubricated using Nivea hand cream as it is less prone to viscosity changes than other lubes. i can usually hit a six inch circle at 100 yards and would be happy to take boiler room shots on say Fallow out to around eighty yards, and it would have plenty of knock down power at that range, I know there is a black powder season in the usa but i think you would struggle to legally use it in the uk,


Cheers Geoff

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I shoot a .45 cal replica Hawkins Plains rifle and find it accurate out to around 120 yards using using a .44 lead ball and patch lubricated using Nivea hand cream as it is less prone to viscosity changes than other lubes. i can usually hit a six inch circle at 100 yards and would be happy to take boiler room shots on say Fallow out to around eighty yards, and it would have plenty of knock down power at that range, I know there is a black powder season in the usa but i think you would struggle to legally use it in the uk,


Cheers Geoff

Good for you bud. My 45 smoothrifle does that to about 50yds and also would be happy to use on an across the ribs shot.



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