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Driving To Work And Back

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Been driving a boy to work that lives a couple of minutes from me and back, have,nt charged him a penny for the last 6or 7 months now he's bragging that he is saving 50 odd quid in fares, what should I be now thinking of telling him is due for petrol ?

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He's taking the piss. A lad who took me to work wouldn't take a penny of me....and for this man I wouldn't of had the job.I posted it through his door ..

I wouldnt take any money off him after hearing he was bragging he be geting the bus from now on

Tell him he'll be paying you a score a week from now on and make sure he understands that if he had just stuck his hand in his pocket in the first place you would have refused and not took a penny off

Do you know Peter I,m thinking exactly the same now, I,m not a soft touch by any stretch of the imagination but if it were me I would have offered from the start, he is always pleading poverty as he is paying csa but having heard how delighted he is at getting picked up and dropped for nought things are changing from Monday ....it would cost him 52 quid a month for a bus pass ...what a fair rate ?

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Fair rate half the fuel my thoughts I know if some one was giving me a lift so that I could get too work there would be a bottle of whisky after a couple of months at least I mean the lad is getting a lift from he's house too he's work how far are you driving every day

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Well it's not that far then I would say 20 quid a week is fair enuf if the lad is 16/17 and just starting out if he is older then 20 tell him half the fuel its about time he got he's act together and got he's own licence

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Tell him he'll be paying you a score a week from now on and make sure he understands that if he had just stuck his hand in his pocket in the first place you would have refused and not took a penny off him. Teach the lad a wee life lesson :yes:

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we have all being young and daft at some point. tell him straight, how things are and he needs to dip his hand in his pocket. half the cost of fuel is fair. if he hums and harrs, tell him to fexk off. he isnt worth the chew.

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I sometimes drop a fella off from work, tell him its a quid a go.

Someone said your going that way anyway, I said I've been working over 40 years, that's why I can afford a to run a car not a taxi, if it was a mate, yeah but people take the piss.

Mrs runs people to and from work, never charges and they give her f**k all, drives me mad :D


Cheers, D.

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A lad round the corner picks up and drops off my missus every night. He's a sound lad, I used to work with him. He saves me getting up early (I work nights) and saves me cutting my afternoon mooch short to fetch her. Alternatively saves £15-£20 a day in taxis.


My missus gives him £10 a week for fuel. He is over the moon with it. She gives it him on a Friday and he goes and gets 8 cans of guiness with it.


It's piss all really, but it's the gesture what means a lot.

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