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Leaving The Eu

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I think we should leave but I'm under no illusion Europe will try to make us pay if we do, get ready for travel visas for your holidays and the end to free trade. People quote Norway as still having good trade with Europe outside the EU but let's face it Norway isn't one of the major leaders an influential counties that Britain is. They will want to cause us pain for disrupting THIER gravy train.


I'm a bit concerned on the lack of pros and cons debate on this topic from the media/news/politicians etc it's almost like the referendum isn't going to happen.


I want what's best for this country and what will fix the problems we have and I believe the pain of leaving will be a price worth paying but I need more info..

ive worked for an eu company, the uk market was worth more to them than the entire rest of europe similarily who would travel visas hurt? Are spanish, greek etc beaches full of cheese eating surrender monkeys? No there full of brits theres f**k all they can do that wont hurt them more dont beleive the propoganda a worse still dint spread it for them!

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Careful what you wish for, I live in central Scotland and come in contact with a broad section of people, regardless of wee Kranky and snp's claims I don't know anyone who would now vote for independe

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I pray we get out of it but I seriously doubt any of them will want too end that particular gravy train weather we the people want too or not when have they ever listened too us? Oh ye about two weeks before gener election that's the only time they got time for us

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i will vote to leave but i think the snp will have a big say in what happens, theyre more like a cult than a political party, the way they follow wee nicola and wee alec every word.

the leader of the snp has said the people of scotland want to stay in the eu ! but I think most of us wants to leave the eu and most of us wanted to stay part of the uk as the last vote shows hence why Scotland was still part of uk . Just another twat with there own agenda trying to make it sound like the peoples choice just like cameron would accept any shite deal for eu and try to make it fit !!!
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