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Just wondering if partridge could have had young now? I know it's not usually til March/April but I went out last night and saw something in the lamp. At first I thought it was a mixi rabbit because I could see it moving but it never ran off. I nearly slipped the dog but as I got closer I noticed it was some sort of ground nesting bird with young nestled around it. I tried to get a picture but they flew off as I was getting my phone out. Just wondered what it was?

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Never heard of them being there before but do they nest together in groups? Or do they have young this time of year?

Would imagine quail roost together on the ground a lot like partridge do. Nothing will be nesting with young this time of year mate. You say they flew off so they must of been adult birds. Only quail seem to fit the bill.

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It's confirmed, it was an unusually early partridge. It was doing my head in so I rang rspb and a lady confirmed it. She knew because the young flew away aswell. Partridge can fly at about a week old. She was well excited when I told her!

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Partridge chicks first week of Feb?? Flying at a week old?? Excited RSPB lady?? This has the makings of something for Country File lol. Frankly I don't believe any of it. Ask the game breeders.

What you saying then? I didn't see it?

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It's confirmed, it was an unusually early partridge. It was doing my head in so I rang rspb and a lady confirmed it. She knew because the young flew away aswell. Partridge can fly at about a week old. She was well excited when I told her!

Fly at a week old....fpmsl

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Not at all ads. Just thinking out loud. Think about for a minute though. For starters, what's the first birds you see pairing up and actually nesting and sitting. Corvids I reckon. In the hedgerow I would say blackbird. Even they haven't got young yet so that's why I figured it was almost impossible first week Feb.

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