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Magpie Call Bird Wanted

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sorry to just sign up and ask for something straight away, i have been going on hear for a while as a guest and learned about a great deal of things from hear too. but im looking for a magpie call bird, i have built a larson trap and tried everything as bait, rabbits, pigeons, made nests with eggs in, even real nests after birds have used them, there just laughing at me, need a call bird really, if you would like to help me out with a call bird id be very grateful and could pick up from reasonably local to me, im in shropshire near to bridgnorth

thankyou for taking the time to read my forum post


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sorry i have been busy today and my caravan dose not have a computer in it,

i would send some photos of it but i can not seem to get them onto this computer, anyway ive rebaited it with some white bantom eggs and made a nest using straw and inside of the nest i have but some hen pheseant breast feathers re set both sides and hopefully ill hear some cackeling in the morning

would anyone recommend catching a different call bird from far away mabey the local village once ive caught the first one? i hear that magpies like to attack stranger magpies from outside there territory?

thankyou for your replies


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yes the computer is in the office jok i have to go down the farm to be online,

yeah i hopefully will have a bird in there soon enough i seen 2 yesterday sat above it looking at it but nothing there as of yet, a mate of mine says that i could put my trap in his garden once i have had the first one from hear and its about a mile away so hopefully it will work

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am overwintering 3 magpie callbirds at moment. warm and dry in barn. i would wait till it warms up before trapping. despite what the experts telll you the 1st one is very hard to catch.last year took 162 magies 62 carrion crows and 2 foxes in 2 larsons. i am in north wales if i can help with call bird.

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still nothing ive took pictures of the trap and hopefully work out how to upload them today i think i must have to plug this phone into the computer yesterday i jammed my car key into one of the eggs to make it look as though another bird has pecked at it

Download photobucket on to your phone or computer and use it to upload pics mate atb

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still nothing! last week i put a decoy magpie in to the one side and still nothing! i saw 5 walking about the feild today and ill i can seem to be doing is shake my fist at them and curse them, i also have a friend wanting a call bird so as soon as i can start trapping them i can give one to him as a call bird also

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  • 3 weeks later...

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