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Hunting In Mexico

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You know if you take away 'tail' in that paragraph it really is quite a funny read...??

If your on a honeymoon shouldn't you be up to something else?

Sorry but I've had to take away the 'tail' again for pure comedy value.......??

I can put you in touch with my man el chapo Guzman he has a good set of guns and a whole army to take you to the best spots so you don't have to worry about any bother

Thanks, but I don't think this is a genuine offer. Also, guns aren't really my thing. If I get caught short and need directions to the nearest hedge, I've got you on speed dial ;)

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I can put you in touch with my man el chapo Guzman he has a good set of guns and a whole army to take you to the best spots so you don't have to worry about any bother

Thanks, but I don't think this is a genuine offer. Also, guns aren't really my thing. If I get caught short and need directions to the nearest hedge, I've got you on speed dial ;)
pmsl re the pics, just email them to yourself and it asks you small, medium or large, click on small and they should upload ;)
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The croc hunting might be good? Can't believe you're doing cocktails ,sake. Get on the river and sea sickness shouldn't be too much of a prob, "I find the best cure for sea sickness is to sit under a tree",Atb Joe

What's wrong with cocktails? My love affair with them began back in 2006 when an older gentleman introduced me to the joys of the banana dackery (gay yellow cocktail). Since then I have often enjoyed a strawberry dackery (gay red cocktail). I'm always looking to experience new gay cocktails...


But croc hunting does look decent. I'll definitely give it a go!

You know if you take away 'tail' in that paragraph it really is quite a funny read...??
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Really means is hard to translate lol




"No mames" literally would translate as "don't suck the tit/mother's milk :laugh:


But can mean wtf/gtf


Guay (pronounced gway with a soft G) is mate ;) ffs not do not use with your elders lol


Edited to add in Spanish you pretty much pronounce every letter you see. Unlike English they don't combine letters to make sounds eg c.ough th, ch etc and where you see an accent above a letter that's the strongest sound in the word ;)

Edited by mushroom
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'Strongest ever' hurricane threatens Mexico http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-34614864

they have just said on the the news right now that the hurricane is about to hit mexico at 300+ kph,

This shit can get real bad really quickly but they will be ready ;) Especially in Cancun they won't want tourists flattened by a bit of wind :laugh:

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'Strongest ever' hurricane threatens Mexico http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-34614864

they have just said on the the news right now that the hurricane is about to hit mexico at 300+ kph,

This shit can get real bad really quickly but they will be ready ;) Especially in Cancun they won't want tourists flattened by a bit of wind :laugh:

That's on the Pacific side. I'm in Cancun on the Caribean Coast.

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I only mentioned it as UG wanted some hunting, be a good night for lamping.

I didn't bring my lamping gear unfortunately. Apparently, I'm smack bang in the middle of a national park, so may be giving the hunting a miss. Hope the sea is calm for fishing tomorrow though!

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Mate what a feckin idiot I am lol or some reason I was thinking you were in Baja California even though I typed Cancun :laugh:


I have connections with a local Mayan tribe mate but I'd be very pessimistic about by your chances at such short notice. Sorry.

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