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Hangover Cure

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Iv bag straight in the vein you only get that in the hospital so make sure you end up there lol the worst is when your in 12 pints deep and you start planning too go hunting the next day all the best

Ive Never been to a terrier show and not into drinkin while or Night before digging whuld hate to be at a earth with my dog in and not be feeling 100% up to the task of getting it out so for me digg

Yeah go straight back on it

Water in between drinks, then water when your finished, always was told this thinking it wouldn't help but tbh it dose seem to help! Sounds a bit gay but well worth doing I always do it now

I can imagine asking for a glass of water of my local barman,he would probably call for an ambulance,lol.

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Fat Man, some of the pubs we drank in over the years you'd be thrown out if you asked for a glass of water. You'd be accused of being a troublemaker.

Anyways, the water would only be taking up precious room in your belly that could be otherwise taken up by beer.

Hangovers are for nancy's IMO.

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Iv bag straight in the vein you only get that in the hospital so make sure you end up there lol the worst is when your in 12 pints deep and you start planning too go hunting the next day all the best laid plans are made when your drunk doing them the next day is a diffrent matter

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Guiness shandy cant be called drinking surely .Anyone think you boys invented the game lol.The ONLY hangover cure that works for me is water .Alcohol steadily drains the water from body cells apparently so need to rehydrate .2 pints before bed and again on waking .Sleep on her side though as youll probably piss the bed.

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save your fookin money why piss it up a wall or shit down it which ive done lots of times lol, save your money get a new motor, dog, etc get some value out of your money , you look back as you get older and think what a waste that was . :yes:

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