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Damascus Blade, Bog Oak Scales

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Hi all

A fewf years ago I attended a series of lectures at Sheffield University about Damascus steels and other metalurgy related topics, This was followed by a smashing dinner at the Town Hall, Everyone that attended was handed a folder with a Damasteel billet, a copy of the Damasteel handbook and a booklet telling what the lectures were about..

Each attendee got the same but with differing billet patterns, I received a 'Grosse Rosen' billet, It's gawjuss with what looks like cartwheels in the pattern (Supposed to be 'Big Roses'!!)

I've not got the ability to grind it and would most likely louse it up but I intend to have it ground/made up by a decent maker, It will have to wait though as i've been off work for almost a year with a gammy knee!!!


Here's the billet with just a very light etch :thumbs:






I actually have one of the Pakistani blades and was surprised when I ran a file down the edge and it skated straight down, It's really quite hard!!!



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New knife made. Sheath to come.

Patterd ales that's great ! Really nice to see another fellow knife maker progressing !!   Can you and anyone else do me a favour ??   Please please please don't buy that type of Damascus .....

Hi guys thank god that didn't go badly ? Any of the Indian damascus stuff is just a visual quality . True Damascus or pattern welded steel is going to cost you . It has to, it costs so much to make

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