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Not knocking the Lakeland Russell or Borders dont knock owt me as long as they do what you want them to do, but does anyone work any thing a bit diffrent, like Fox, Cairn, Teckal etc how do they go? I work WHWT as said on another post was/is my daughters dog as she wanted a dog to come for walk with me and the terriers, and I said have look at this terrier book and she wanted a Westie. He work canny for what he is, just intrested.




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Bricktop cheers for the reply, he has been on rats, comes ferreting, works cover, goes on the beating line, and is entered to fox under 2004 hunting act.

Few pic on other thread on this site out ratting.



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I owned a Cairn terrier as a lad and it ratched about with intention and bolted a fox or two,in reality purpose bred mutts are far superior to these accidental workers.The original terriers of most ancient breeds where far superior to their modern KC cousins,as grafters,the ancestry rarely shines through with the majority of them,thats why people wanting a grafter seek non KC purpose bred mutts.

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