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Lamping Or Day Time ?

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Haha..best post ive read since dinosaurs walked the earth!!! I too lived and breathed a life which seen me trawling the countryside in the hours of darkness with a dazzler in hand yet these days I enj

It's always been a good mix with me,,,liked both,,,,but if I'm honest I like the daytime just that few persent more,,,love watching the dog use it's nose find flush,,and run,,,,or mark to ground,,,and

Lamping for numbers....daytime for quality....... JMO.

Prefer daytime, just letting the dogs hunt up, and see where they take me. Best sport there is, and a real sense of achievement when they knock something over.


But lamping just puts more in front of the dogs, and with the current situation it's sometimes a lot less hassle. It's a means to an end, but an enjoyable one.


Dogs are better in the day though. Not problem with them catching on the lamp, but they can both be twats at times. Always got a nose to the wind lol.

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I appreciate all types. lamped till my eyes burn. ferreted till the batteries went flat. walked dogs on slips till my arms fell off. I never liked mob handed forays. I prefer just me and a dog , or dogs these days. daytime in the main, seeing my dog/dogs hunt up or follow commands to game unseen. the outcome is between me and my concience.


But if the freezer is depleted, or jobs need doing, the old lamp comes back out

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Daytime for me theres no better experience than watching your dogs using all there senses smell hearing sight and experience, thats true lurcher work i love lamping but truth is its easy game for a good dog, purely sight work, just sitting and watching a dog working cover, and ditches gives me more of a buzz.

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Love it all but when mooching about find it relaxing ferreting bang on for the table but if ime lamping it's like ime on a mission rushing to get next 1 in bag even on permission always scoping the lanes for motors or listening for engines ticking over still it's agreat feeling some on here should try it lol. Atb Flacko

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Love both in their own ways but if I had to choose one I've got to go with daytime. In the dark you see and put much more in front of the dog, but it's the beam that's doing the hunting. In the day you get to see your dog doing all that comes naturally, using all it's senses.

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I am converted from hardcore lamping to daytime running..


I have better dogs now :icon_redface:

Haha..best post ive read since dinosaurs walked the earth!!! I too lived and breathed a life which seen me trawling the countryside in the hours of darkness with a dazzler in hand yet these days I enjoy my daytime forays, the days of returning home without the motor laden with game after been lamping and seeing me in a state of depression until I was back in the swing of filling the car regularly now seem a lifetime away..these days im often out with my pooches, my rucksack full of grub & treats for the dogs a flask and will trail around from dawn until dusk with little intention or want to hunt anything at all infact many times where I know there to be gear on the ground I will leash the mutts up until im away from the "usual" suspects who are generally on the menu..I have taken my quota of ground game and then some in my life yet have never been at war with nature..I enjoy the countryside and what it has to offer and on occasions it's my dogs and not i that gather up what mother nature presents for us...

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