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New Here And A New Jrt Pup

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Hi, I'm new here and new to earth dogs, but not new to dogs. I've worked with protection dogs for about the last 10 years, but have been interested and researching working terriers for a couple of years now. I'm in the US, so it doesn't seem near as popular as it is over in the UK, but I'm hoping to meet others who hunt with their terriers.


I just picked up this little guy, who is supposed to come from all working stock. The people I got him from said I can hunt their land anytime I'd like when he comes of age, and I'm really looking forward to that, but for now, just letting him be a pup and working on obedience. In the mean time, just trying to learn as much as I can.


13 weeks old and around 8 lbs, I believe. Just picked him up today, and he was very confident straight out of the crate.











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The people I got him from said the last 5 gens have been worked on possum, coon, groundhog, and fox. I'm hoping he will eventually get a chance to work any/all of those...and of course rats. We'll have to see what he enjoys most, I guess.

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