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Rabbit Shooting Wanted In Scotland

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Hi Guys,


Looking for rabbit shooting for dog training, experienced shooters, insured and references can be provided if required, looking ideally for land where spaniels can flush the rabbits to the gun for training. Not hoards of people but instead Small group of responsible trainers looking for rabbit/rough shooting for dog training purposes, keepered or unkeepered, all land and livestock respected .


Any leads etc would be greatly appreciated and happy to pay a small fee etc.



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Things are good thanks, was up at trickys shooting in jan, was good to catch up with everyone.

Gave dh's dogs some great days there, up behind gallowhill farm, in the gorse & rash, he should say yes, esp at this time of year.

They do big days @ the cabrach, ferreting am & walk up pm, shooting 100 ish, sure they'll do training days, money for nothing.

Hope alls well, say hello to g

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Yes thanks all not too bad with us and G says hi, and hope's your doing well, just had the busiest season yet picking up etc with the dogs and trying to get back into trials after a 5yr break, have a lovely young springer that i've won tests with , run in 2 trials got 2 4th places so she has potential just need some bunnies for her......rhb has said yes to my request :thumbs: , I also know the bit you mean I used to go training there back when the prentice's were there but that was a few years back.


I didn't know that about the Cabrach, don't suppose you have any contact numbers you could pm me ? Have emailed the Glenfiddich office see if they could send me details.


Keep in touch :)

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