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How Small Are Mini Ferrets?

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I read on here about certain lines of hunting ferrets being bred to be really small. I think you guys had a special name for some of these lines of tiny hunting ferrets, but I can't remember what you guys called them.


Anyway, I was just curious how small is small? Any ideas on how much these tiny working ferrets weigh? I just got a mink I'm training for a guy that's really small for a ranch mink. She's only 550 grams, which from what I read is pretty average for a wild female mink, but for a ranch mink it's down right TINY!


So how small are you're small hunting ferrets? What do they weigh on average?

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They're called "Micros" and I personally won't believe the nonsense that some people bat around on here. Although there is some good talk of ferret lines and ancesteory, alot of the people on here have a degree in ferret keeping that they printed off the internet. Ferrets are like any other animal. Some grow big (If you listen to those who believe it, and I'm not saying they're wrong, they're likely to be European Polecats) and some don't grow so much (micro ferrets). The same in humans...


As for weights, I've never weighed a ferret, so pass!


As long as it works, I don't care much for size, colour, name or sex. Label it what you want, but if I could get a guinea pig to bolt a rabbit, I'd use it.

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Same here I don't see the point in a lot of what's happening to ferrets micro,s eu poleys etc as long as a ferrets a good worker and has the stamina for a full days graft that will do me

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micro's people like them for some reason, people keep breeding ferrets for size hair length colours, all that in the gene pool ruin the working line and sadly good working lines in this country are as rare as hens teeth, but there till are some good ferret people about just got to find em :thumbs:

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Micro ferrets are poop they lack any real weight or that to deal with (aye even or humble soft natured bunny) it's quarry. Iv seen them be left in real bad states after a bunny decided to kung fu it's arse. They do have uses I suppose but ru using them day in day out working bunnys I'm all sorts of warrens I dare say you'll soon become disappointed. We had a line a few years ago now and found we had to work them along side gour average sized ferrets most of the time to get results. Which defeats the purpose of having them. We let our line die out and kept the average sized ferrets for all our work. As for weights I'm not sure lol never weighed one. Never needed to lol

Edited by Hot Meat
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I had the chance a few years back to have one, a falconer I knew was breeding a lot.........I was tempted, but as well as being very tiny, you could really see the inbreeding...........it didn't look like it had a healthy future.....

I think more novelty value than any real use, I passed on it.

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ive got a hob, he's about as long as my hand from tip of my middle finger to just past my wrist. although he's got drive in spades, he just doesn't have the size or weight to make a stubborn rabbit bolt, he weights less than any of my jills and has to live alone because they wont accept him.

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