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Recall Problems

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Hi ive got a 10 month old saluki greyhound and up to now recall was going good until I couldn't let him run free due to him having stitches so lead walking only for 10 days and now whe nI let him run free he doesn't want to come back just wants to do his own thing and won't come near me, any advice appreciated


cheers jim

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Where are you letting him run free? If it is a large area with lots going on that is more interesting than you, he isn't going to want to come straight back. Take him to a small enclosed area with nothing on it and take it back to basics. Treats, praise and all things positive, it will only be a temporary phase of your dog pushing some boundaries with you, try not to lose your cool (easier said than done, I know!). The other thing I was told, which I nearly took offence to! Was to be more interesting, jump about screaming at the top of your voice like a complete tw@t waving your arms around to get their attention. I'm not sure if mine died of embarrassment and came straight back to me to go home or whether it just worked, but it did help!

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Give him a whistle an shout in a nice voice and walk away from him wait till he has gone in front of you and walk back the other way do this a few times and then call him in to you give him a fuss and then gee him on again this should work but me personally wouldn't use a treat then u end up with the dog comin back for a reward not because he is told too if that makes sence ? Tip bit training can also cause more problems in a working dog !



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First lurchers I had at 16 was like that,,, would it fook come to me,,, a mate told me to put it on a long line and gently pull it back,,, also youse the same recal word,,, mine was come,,and still is,,, it worked on the first half hour,,, months of me calling it,,, and 30 mins spent with a long line cured it


Call it in,,,pull it gently to you ,,,then praise,,, repeat,,,repeat ,,,repeat

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