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Would You Say Long Netting Is A Sport?


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thanks! :laugh: that's what I tried to get across!

no she doesn't think that its all cruel, its the sport side that she doesn't like i.e. pheasant shooting.

when she was a kid she shot a bird of 'some description' :hmm: with a borrowed air rifle so she must have a bloodthirsty streak in her!!!

she let me get an air rifle so she must understand that I have to use it.

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out of all the methods of catching rabbits longnetting is the most humane, any rabbits that escape the net (and some do) are completely unharmed, those that get caught are dispatched quickly and efficiently, with longnetting there are NO rabbits left injured whatsoever and NO rabbits that die a lingering death, no other method of rabbit catching can claim that. in fact i have sometimes found pellets from shotguns and air rifles lodged beneath the skin of rabbits i have caught in longnets, proof indeed that the rabbit escaped injured from the shooter but not my long net.

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