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Long Shot

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After a crop of young dogs came to worse than useless and my digging bitch died last season and my young dog was taken off me I was wondering if anybody has a terrier or young dog for loan or sale as I have nothing here now and could do with a dog for this season Long shot I know especially at this time of year

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I've never bred a litter it's wat I was given that turned out shite. I had a few good dogs with the young dog then he went funny so the lad I had him off took him back and have him to some one else he now gets very little work and seems to deal with wat bit he gets

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You will need to start from scratch by the sounds of it, get in some decent stock for the coming seasons and write this one off.

It may sound a good idea getting in someone else's cast off, as they certainly wont give you their best. But a shite dog takes just as much feeding as a good one.


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A dogs only as good as you make it seen bad dogs turn out belters in the rights hands with enough time and patience!!!

agree to a certain degree but will say " you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear ' give some dogs all the time and patience you want if it ain't gonna work there's nothing you can do to make it !
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A dogs only as good as you make it seen bad dogs turn out belters in the rights hands with enough time and patience!!!


Lot of shit.

Some have it some don't.

And yes, a good dog can be ruined easily, still doesn't make your statement true.

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All I'm saying is that sum folk will just class a dog as bad and get rid its easier to get rid than to work with it and put more time n effort in some one who has the time knowledge n patience will make it a different dog! Agree with both you some dogs are just shit all together but a lot now days arnt given the chance n just pedled abart

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Cheeky twat why dont you tell all your mates on here that "your" digging bitch that died wasnt yours at all and infact all the working terriers you have had were not yours and tell them that you had the young dog taken off you not because he went funny but because you cant be trusted to keep other peoples dogs!

You are very lucky you have escaped a slap so far but keep spouting shit and I will be over to give you one and you know it you are very keen to chat shit on here but cant answer your phone because your speaker is broken!

People beware :thumbs:

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