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Fell Or Patterdale??

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I'm as green as the grass on this.

I have seen alot of disscussions inregards to Fells and Patterdales and that they are different. Over here in Canada and the USA I have been told that they are the same thing. We have 4 adult patties all with different coats, 3 of them are black and one is a redish smut (with black hairs) - probably not the right term for coloration but that is what it would be called in the APBT world.


I know it REALLY doesn't matter as long as they do their job, but what would classify them as?


This is my male Solo - he has a thick wirey coat.



This is my female Blitz - she has a thick smooth coat



The other 2 I will post below - as I'm out of kb space for this post.

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As far as ive been told the village of Patterdale in Cumbria is in the area that the Lakeland terrier came from or at least a strain of them. The black dogs were bred by folk from other areas in the north of England like Frank Buck from Leyburn. I may be wrong but thats what id heard. Atb

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Been done to death on this site,my three black dogs are just that "black dogs" and the other one is the"black and tan" if someone asks me are they patterdales i say yes and by the same token if they ask are they fells i say yes and even if the rough coated one is described as a lakeland i say yes,i honestly cant see the big deal over a working dogs name.

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I would say Fell's all the way, patterdales is a conveniant name to pidgeon hole black types, & it has a nice ring to it 'Patterdale', just like rough black & tans always get referred to as Lakelands. We had blacks, reds & black/tans in the same litters, so all fells to us.

Frank Buck called them fells & he bred a black one or two, so that's good enough for me.

Only my very humble opinion.



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Lol it's pretty insignifacant really, people will always call them what they want.

What I will say is back in late 80's/ early 90's people went ******* for black dogs! I remember turning up at a little fell & moorland show & I think 98% of the dogs were black, it was hilarious! Everyone strutting round with they're 'patterdales', everyone thinking cos it was black it would do the 'business' lol hundreds got bred & all called patterdales, soon you saw them running around all over the place, loads of them inevitable 'pets'. So it's no wonder it stuck, of course the reference name had already been knocking around long before then, just like the disagreement over it.

I also remember when people use to refer to any non-descript black & tan as a Border/Lakeland.....regardless of parentage.

I personally love a good 'black fell'

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Even though Fell's are a mixed up breed they were still a fairly uniform type of dog.When the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was used again as a Battlecross to the Fell terrier (late 70s 80s)I alway's presumed at the time the name 'Patterdale or Black dog' was a sort of code amongst digger's for a very 'Hard-Bitten' dog,Patterdale is only a region in the Fell's,who know's if the Fell's used were even from the Patterdale region?Any name in the Fell's could've been used like 'Eskdale Terrier',Doesn't have the same ring to though does it?JMO but I think a dog with heavy Bull blood is a Bull and Terrier,like the Pitbull-Bull X Terrier? These two dog's don't look the same to me but time has a way of making thing's fall into place! JMO,please don't slaughter me for this,lol

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I think there's a lot of mileage in the argument that the name 'Patterdale' had a nice ring to it so stuck, I remember talking to guy with a 'Patterdale' who had never heard of a 'Fell terrier' lol

Your right gamedog they do look different, but I've had both types come out of the same bitch, same litter, so did I have a litter of 'patts' & 'fells', oh & a Lakeland as well! Lol



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The name 'patterdales' also sold a hell of lot of pups for people in 80s/90s, the demand was there, & as always people supply demand, men were breeding any old black dog with another to produce a litter of 'Patterdales', that's why so many black dogs never met expectations....

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