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Wheaten X Staff

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Why not ? If staffs can bush and if my bloody American bulldog can bush then why not any other dog with bags if drive and a good nose ?




This is a 75lb bulldog that will get through the thickest brambles to get whatever's home out or catch it in there....and his nose is spot on!

Edited by j1985
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ive a wheaten lurcher that works cover well. but he needs watching around the terriers when he is hot. :icon_eek: . i wont be the first or last time ive had to rescue him from tight cover :laugh: twice last year i had to cut him free in brambles :yes: . handy to have at times but he adds strss to a walk out. :blink:

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i wouldnt write off all wheatens and there crosses. this lad does a grand job and ive had no real disasters. maybe this is becouse i'm well aware of his capabilities. they are game bred but so are the bull terriers. and they can be very versitile in the right hands. my lurcher knows who the boss is and i have one eye on him all the time. the other thing is the terriers arnt allowed to take liberties either. :thumbs:

ps as you see in the pic i also have some plummers just in case he isnt up to the job :D

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Yes mate were any cross of lurchers is concerned whatt ever way its breed needs to be able to work round holes with terriers go round cover with them without any fighting wouldnt tolerate it out of a lurcher but were pure bulls and wheatens are concerned imo id want them to be game for everything I look at the staffys dandering around now its a shame to see there like barrels cant breath properly cant walk half a mile cant stand it lol o well thanks kennel club yous are doing a good job

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  • 9 years later...

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