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Kelmarsh Game Fair In Darby Easter Weekend Lads Is It Worth A Look At????

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£12 to be pestered by Double Glazing Salesmen and shop for things that you can get cheaper on the internet.

There have already been 2 shows cancelled due to lack of Trade Stands as they can't afford the pitch fees.

It will only get worse whilst big money grabbing companies run these things for profit only.

Rather go to the charity/ smaller shows. POP and EDRD.

Living Heritage and Countrymans Fairs need to take a long look at what they are providing under the "Country" umberella. Since when did Stunt Shows become part of the Country lifestyle FFS.

Rant over :-)

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I was at kelmarsh today, didnt rate it at all. certainly glad i did not travel far and i wont go again. Not trying to be a miserable sod but there is just nothing there,no decent trade stands for what ever country dicipline you do. Please do correct me if you go a feel different but i was not the only one to be dissapointed, it seemed common with many others that where there.


all the best.

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It's a shame, Kelmarsh is literally a couple of minutes from me and the events are such hit and miss, I've been to this one a couple of times, and yep, not much cop. But we went as a family to the Festival of History a couple of years ago and it was incredible, huuuuuge site, with literally boer soliders fighting running battles with roman legions, wwII teams facing off with saracens - all while we walked around - showed they can do it...

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Bloody glad I never went then!!!!

When are the organisers of these events gonna learn people want to go but want to see these events go back to there roots with entry fees that reflect the economy and stalls that mean something to us all(all forms of country pursuits).

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