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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Pumpkins are coming on should be interesting , what's the Thl record

I'm grateful if I get to them before they go missing I pick mine week before hallowe'en lol

Second and last pic are mine, there dills Atlantic giants ,

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Few pics of some bits.  

Picked what I could salvage of the green toms for some chutney better than wasting them tonight.     Not impressed with me cabbage     few bits for dinner. Bean are delicious at the mo

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Today was a weeding day and get the netting off and get in there. All to easy to keep looking at weeds coming to flower under the net.




gave the parsley a short back and sides




sprouts are looking really good





chard nice and tidy




dwarf beans producing well now




and end of the line for one of the cabbages



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Yes mate. I'm chuffed to bits with how things are going. Some of the the young guns on here will be learning a thing to two which is good news.,Tiercel is listening in and giving support so can't be all bad. Made me chuckle a bit when a newbie mentioned 163 pages of reading lol. How he makes sense of our nonsense begs belief. Anyway. Good all round. Great to se our members are having a good season. Next thing we need is the cooking of the goodies. Chutneys and the like. We will see who prepares the best. Jok.

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On a positive note. Have a look at my carrot roots and you will see no splitting. They were set from seed in the high box, as previously mentioned . The compost was totally leaf mould and cow muck, aged. I have not grown anything else from this box.jok.

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