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Cropsafe crew, chicken farm 12th Jan

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It was a shock when I got a call from my mate at the chicken farm asking if we could go and have another bash after we hammered it last Christmas. I was sure that they would have been obliterated and thin on the ground but obviously not. We arrived about an hour after first light and after collaring up and giving the dogs a few minutes we set of down the grassy bank, wow this makes a change from the norm. As we were walking down we saw a few bolt into a far set and things were looking rosy. Tilly immediately started marking so we knew that we would get a few, we didn't expect the huge numbers but at least we were doing my mate a service and favour. The first set was quickly netted and within a couple of minutes we had three in the bag, this was to prove the norm for the day and very little digging really and what we did were relatively easy. On the big slope bank they run deep and of all places to have a dig they had to pick this one. A five footer resulted in a couple bottled up and warmer fingers to boot, yes it was a bit fresh early doors. We did manage to loose one rabbit from this set but it holed up in another set we had just done, and it was just a small one so we nailed it later on. The pace was more relaxed today, it was just so much easier than the other day and we just took our time and enjoyed it. We did have a couple that slipped the net, but flash was on his toes and soon brought them back dead but he doesn't really mark them luckily. The day went sweet apart from another that slipped the net but this one went back into the steep banking with tilly hot on its tail. It seemed very sluggish but with one of the big dog ferrets that had been hounding It that's not a surprise. Tilly just wouldn't leave the hole alone that it went in, she was digging like a dog possessed so we thought we would take a look. You could see clumps of fur right down the hole as if she had been trying to grasp it, well you can't just leave an injured one so we thought we would try and recover it. Danny (long arm) had a bash and reckoned he could touch it but not grab it, so I opened the hole a bit to give him more room, this time it was a result. Down to his waist and two legs sticking in the air like a pole roller he grabbed it and we extracted him by the feet, brilliant stuff, he gets stuck in the lad does. With just half a day gone and about just short of 30 in the bag we were happy. As it was early we decided to just do a small hedgerow across the road from me on the way back, nothing spectacular but we nabbed a couple more just to round the day off with 32 but every moment a laugh.post-13613-0-08046900-1358008261_thumb.jpg I will add the video of Dan in the hole asap.and here it is....



Edited by stevethefish
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