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How much excercise?

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Just wondering how much walking etc folks give their pups? I have a 5 month old 3/4 lakeland russel bitch, and whilst I want to get her as much excercise as she needs I'm also aware that too much too soon can make her prone to hip problems etc when older.


Currently she gets a good length walk once a day on either grassy fields or the beach where I will walk around 2-3 miles with her on a 50ft rope length so she can run about. In addition if she seems to have excess energy I give her a 15 minute or so walk in an evening. I try to always choose reasonbly soft ground so she can build up muscle without hard impact. So just wondering am I pushing her too much or not enough?

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at 5mths old ide be more worried about yourself keeping up with the pup, cant give it enough at that age.

Bin the rope and train it to come when called, always makes me chuckle seeing people walk their dogs on a long rope, its normally huskies though. When my terrier was that age he would play fetch on

dont be ridiculous pal ..................i think i can tell how much exercise a pup needs and its not being pushed one bit ......... if you cant tell your pups tierd or not and that you have over don

Bin the rope and train it to come when called, always makes me chuckle seeing people walk their dogs on a long rope, its normally huskies though.

When my terrier was that age he would play fetch on the park for ages and he was also out ratting which soon got him fit. You can tell when they've had enough which with a terrier is a fecking lot ;)

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Bin the rope and train it to come when called, always makes me chuckle seeing people walk their dogs on a long rope, its normally huskies though.

When my terrier was that age he would play fetch on the park for ages and he was also out ratting which soon got him fit. You can tell when they've had enough which with a terrier is a fecking lot ;)


Will have to disagree there, it's all good and well having a dog that comes to command when your working it but when its just out for a walk and joe public are about having the dog off lead is daft not to mention it gives you no chance to step in and protect your dog should the need arise. I always keep a dog on a lead for walks or long rope for running loose along with a sturdy stick so should any other dogs approach without me inviting them they get swiftly warned off. Something that can't be done if I have let them go off 100 yrds or more.


3 miles a day on a 50 foot rope that means she's probebly doing double that. 6 miles a day at 5 months is far too much imo


This way exactly my worry. Just because my animal decides she still has lots of energy to burn doesn't equate to good for health to keep her running as it can cause lifelong bone issues with her growing still. Hense my original question on what folks would suggest is a suitable amount for balance of burning energy and also not doing the girl any damage.

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I agree with Peter that is far too much. At the age of nine months I will start hard ground walking and gradually build it up so by the time they are 12mths, they will be doing 3miles per day. They bone structure is not developed at 5mths and this may cause more problems later at 5mths pups generally need more rest than exercise ATB John

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I agree with Peter that is far too much. At the age of nine months I will start hard ground walking and gradually build it up so by the time they are 12mths, they will be doing 3miles per day. They bone structure is not developed at 5mths and this may cause more problems later at 5mths pups generally need more rest than exercise ATB John

A five month old terrier is a lot more developed than a bigger dog, mine looks pretty much like an adult now. A walk around the block at 12 months is not much, some dogs are working hard by that age.

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if my 7month russell x patt dont get out half the kennel is chewed lol................

cheaper to give them a walk........lol

i take mine out for a couple of hours off the lead walking and she still doesnt want to go back in the kennels.....they mature fast and i think people forget there not like running dogs ,...........there alot more hard waring and will run or hunt for hours...........at 7- 8 months ,..........there not working as such ,....just pushing a few rabbits out................energy to burn

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I agree with Peter that is far too much. At the age of nine months I will start hard ground walking and gradually build it up so by the time they are 12mths, they will be doing 3miles per day. They bone structure is not developed at 5mths and this may cause more problems later at 5mths pups generally need more rest than exercise ATB John

A five month old terrier is a lot more developed than a bigger dog, mine looks pretty much like.

an adult now. A walk around the block at 12 months is not much, some dogs are working hard by that age.

. How do they develop quicker than a bigger dog? Did not say anything about work, talking about exercise my dogs work for the 6mths. Exercise is completely different thing all together
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I agree with Peter that is far too much. At the age of nine months I will start hard ground walking and gradually build it up so by the time they are 12mths, they will be doing 3miles per day. They bone structure is not developed at 5mths and this may cause more problems later at 5mths pups generally need more rest than exercise ATB John



A five month old terrier is a lot more developed than a bigger dog, mine looks pretty much like.

an adult now. A walk around the block at 12 months is not much, some dogs are working hard by that age.

. How do they develop quicker than a bigger dog? Did not say anything about work, talking about exercise my dogs work from the age of 6mths. Exercise is completely different thing all together

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if my 7month russell x patt dont get out half the kennel is chewed lol................

cheaper to give them a walk........lol

i take mine out for a couple of hours off the lead walking and she still doesnt want to go back in the kennels.....they mature fast and i think people forget there not like running dogs ,...........there alot more hard waring and will run or hunt for hours...........at 7- 8 months ,..........there not working as such ,....just pushing a few rabbits out................energy to burn


Sounds more like the dog is bored sensless. Simply walking it to the point if later life injuries wont fix that.

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