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Advice on a new lurcher please

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I'm looking to get my first lurcher. My dad has a Beddy x Whippet who is now three. He is a tough dog, in regards to both training and prey drive. My dad has put so much work into him and he still is not exactly perfect. He only does things through sheer repetition during training and he has never shown any desire to please us. He loves hunting but it's all about him. I guess this is the Beddy in him.


He has had a fair bit of lamping experience now and still he does not perform well on rabbits catching maybe 1 in 15 runs. He gets knackered after 10 runs in a night and just does not seem to use his brain or have the speed to catch rabbits reliably. When he does catch a rabbit he is NOT exactly soft mouthed and is pretty bad at retrieving game but great at retrieving his dummies.

I want my new dog to be biddable. I would like a dog that tries to please me and not him/herself. The dog will be used solely on rabbits, during the day, in the lamp and out ferreting. The dog needs to be fast, as quite often where I lamp you only get short runs and it needs to have a brain.


At the moment I'm thinking a 3/4 Greyhound 1/4 Collie Bitch from Hancock.


I'd like your opinions and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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You can't go wrong with a lurcher to lurcher I'd have said whippet Afew lads on here have them and every time they put pics up the whippet has done them proud , but only you can choose what you want just do your reaserch and choose carefully


Atb JD

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I've got a Beddy Whippet x Whippet Grey pup who is coming up to 12 months now. I couldn't ask for a better dog tbh. He is fast, clever, biddable, trainable, brings back live to hand. He is around 22 1/2 tts now so will probably end up around 23". I chose this breeding because I wanted something with a bit of Greyhound to add a bit more top end speed because I also have a 3 year old whippet who is great in small fields and as soon as he managed to turn something you know he is going to catch. The problem with my whippet is that if a rabbit brings him back into a big field he doesn't really again much on it over a sprint because he lacks top end speed. I'm not saying that all whippets are the same but I didn't want to risk it again.


The problem with your current dog not wanting to please you may have more to do with bonding than the actual breeding. I almost learnt this the hard way with this pup because, out of the blue, he just stopped retrieving. I got hold of Skycat off here and could thank her enough for the info she sent across to me. While I was reading through the advice she gave me I realised that there was a bonding issue too so I had to look at what I was doing and then do it differently (I'm not taking that away from Skycat btw as without her info he still wouldn't be retrieving!).


I will definitely go for this breeding again without doubt but whatever you choose the only advice I'd give is to get the basic training right, read books, do your research on training and most importantly, bond.


ATB with your choice :thumbs:



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Get a pup from parents that do what u want the pup to do, that have been grafted hard. It's a lottery with all pups but u fancy doing the lottery with one ticket or a 100. Regards to the beddy/whip that shocking he could just be a duff dog or bad training as beddy/whips have been around for years and years and well known for there rabbiting capabilities.

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