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Recently received an email with someone wanting advice, thought the wider public may be able to shed some light and maybe help them...


I am currently trying to research a painting, photographs attached, and would be extremely grateful if you were able to shed some light on the scene and the possible ownership of the dogs. As you'll see in the images, the dogs are ratting in the hay and are all branded with the letter 'P'. On hunting dogs this usually identifies the owner, perhaps Lord Palmerston or Lord Portland? Do you have any ideas as to who the owner might be - it is an unusual subject for a painting and would therefore suggest that the owner is extremely proud of his dogs' prowess.


With many thanks and best wishes

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Thats definately me in that picture, Back in the day, I always like to dress up when I went out for a mooch.

If my memory serves me well, I remember we used to breed a handy strain of micro Jack Russells at the time - 5 inches to the shoulder and absolutely lethal on shrews.

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Is it just me or are there no rats in the painting ?


With half the dogs dashing around i would have thought the odd rat would have been there, dead or alive, to help illustrate the point.


I can't think of another painting of terriers ratting that has no rats in it.

Unless of course I've missed them. Or it was painted for some sort of Spot The Ball competition.

Place your cross where the rat is.



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Molly.....I can get you copies of those ;) PM me



Welsh terriers


Old fashioned bull terrier


Bull and terrier


Yorkies going to ground


Irish Terrier




Bull Terriers


"Staffordshire" bull terrier


Old school bullies


White English Terrier


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