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..is it me ?

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. . or is there some formula or multiplier that applies to all goods being sold here in uk ?

For example;

Sig 522 for sale in Garlands uk store http://www.garlands....auer-522-lr~510


Price for you and me : £730.00


Sig 522 for sale in Academy Sports and Outdoors http://www.academy.c...1139 4294961843


Price for them over there : $469.00 (using todays approx exchange rate of £1=$1.497) = £313.00


Difference is approx £417.00


Are British gunsmiths aware of this disparity and also are they aware that these figures appear (to the uneducated browser like myself ) as rather distasteful ?


Can a registered gun importer tell me why there is such a disparity of prices ?





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You'd think there wouldn't be much difference as alot of firearms are manufactured in both Europe and the US, so the prices should be roughly the same. However I think the British importers and dealers take the mick somewhat, due to the fact that it is a niche market and most go to their local gunshop - there isn't much choice in where to shop.

The US market is huge, everything is mass produced so their profits from individual sales can afford to be lower, also the amount of aftermarket accessories means most buy more than just a gun, scope and mounts. Just my tuppence worth...

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If you bought the item you would need to add the shipping cost to your price. the total invoice value when it get's to uk customs will then have VAT added + whatever charges customs add for handling then there will be a charge from the uk carrier, all paid before delivery.

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It's because we are "British".

Forget guns for a moment, look at fuel prices. The cost of a gallon will only every increase because although we like to moan, we will still pay the price. We all know we are being ripped off, but we would rather pay tax than walk, so we get on with it.

It's not just guns and fuel, it's a lot of things but unlike many other mass populations, who would voice a slightly stronger object to being ripped off, we roll over and think of England whilst being screwed at every possible opportunity, that because we are British.


Americans will simply not buy a brand if they don't perceive that they are buying value, they would simply buy a Remington 700 and be done with it! So if the manufactures want to "break in to the USA" they will have to be competitive or their products will not sell. Don't forget the USA also has import duty, VAT, distributors and final mark ups, same as the UK.


If we all stood back and voted with our feet, things would change, but that would never happen because we are British.



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its because the importers who gain the sole import rights are greedy feckers :yes: heres an example years ago i ran a factory that made shoe laces amoungst other things, a 60cm pair of laces left the factory all packaged and ready to sell at a cost of 7.5p per unit, usually going to a wholesaler, and then to a retailer, buy the time it got to the customer the price was £1 a unit :icon_eek:

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