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First Bird Dilemma


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I apologize in advance for this topic probably been done a million times but i got to get some thoughts.

I am a long Time Raptor Lover and Interested In Hunting and is now finial going to go for it and get myself a B.O.P. I've flown and taken part in many displays and days out hunting with B.O.P since i was very young but never had the time and money with being young. Now im older and have the time and money i've decided to go ahead and get one with the main aim of hunting. I have lots of land to go hunting since i'm also interested in air rifle hunting and my family have had horses all there life so with that come many farmers and land to hunt. My Main qurry is going to be Wood Pigeons, Rooks, crows and magpies and the environment is wetlands. But everything i read about first time birds always say go for a HH ! But they wouldn't be suited for the quarry i'm going for and i'm not using it as a stepping stone for a future bird! So is there no way a person who is well researched and has had thousands of experience with many animals such as a Wurms to an Elephant and qualifications in animal care and management can go for a different bird and get the most out of it? If So what Would people suggest? Myself i'm in lover with Gyr/peregrine And think they are one amazing bird as well as the Gyr/saker but thats just me

So can anyone Help me out ??


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Reading through your post you sound like you have had a fair bit of hands on experience, I also take it you have had experience in the management of BOP includeing the birds well being and houseing/weathings, equipment and telemetry, also feeding and conditioning for the field which are just a few to take on board?


If it all checks out you should by then have some idea the bird that will suit your needs quarry and land wise? :thumbs:.


If my main quarry base is what you have mentioned then I reckon Hawk wise a Male Gos would be on my list, caught all of the above with good engineered slips with a Gos in the past. also flew a few Peregrine x Prairies which would also entertain your quarry base on their day. expect to get plenty of practice with the Telemetry Pigeon wise.

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Thanks For your reply Jasper and yes i have had experience in management of BOP and tbh it's all common sense really. If i got a Peregrine I would wait it on and flush the pigeons from the middle of the fields where they spend most of the day in big flocks which is a pain when air rifle shooting since being soo out of range. So if your where me what would you do? Dont get me wrong i love HH and red tails but i want to spend all my time on one bird since i would never pass a bird off and HH live a long time and i just know flying pest are abundant on the lands i hunt. And im going to research a bit longer i just would like to have a bird in mind where i can plan around it.


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Its horses for courses JJ on which way you go about it and what bird you feel will give you the sport you require :thumbs:. I have never flown a bird specificly at pigeons mate, had a couple fly them at check which was a telemetry job but thats about it.


Go for the bird you feel you have the ability to handle and train, there's a fair few falcons pure and Hybrids out there that will fit your needs but its up to you which one...


loved the aggresion and style of the Pere x Prairies but thats just personal preference.

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Jasper out of interest, would a perigrin x prairie take ground game?


Yes mate they will, and also enter cover to secure quarry :thumbs:. Had a female lift over the top of woodland and drop like a stone, when I got over there she was grounded by the edge of the wood with Rabbit fur around her, they're certainly not the biggest birds but make up for it with their gameness.


I had one that never had the gameness of the other two but then again I suppose you get that in all walks of life.....

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Jasper out of interest, would a perigrin x prairie take ground game?


Yes mate they will, and also enter cover to secure quarry :thumbs:. Had a female lift over the top of woodland and drop like a stone, when I got over there she was grounded by the edge of the wood with Rabbit fur around her, they're certainly not the biggest birds but make up for it with their gameness.


I had one that never had the gameness of the other two but then again I suppose you get that in all walks of life.....

I was wondering. I think its a prairie at 2 mins 10 in this vid? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-FZdIrKyBk

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Cool vid ! and thanks for the advice! Its a tough one really with pigeon i guess i just want the most affective bird for them really probably a Gos. What u think would be close second??


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Since you are asking for opinions.

I would go for a male gos,will do all and much more.this is based on what you have posted.

i would leave the pigeon alone,you will just end up spending all you time looking for your bird and I would say it would spoil the whole thing for you.

Ram your head with knowledge and have fun

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Jasper out of interest, would a perigrin x prairie take ground game?


Yes mate they will, and also enter cover to secure quarry :thumbs:. Had a female lift over the top of woodland and drop like a stone, when I got over there she was grounded by the edge of the wood with Rabbit fur around her, they're certainly not the biggest birds but make up for it with their gameness.


I had one that never had the gameness of the other two but then again I suppose you get that in all walks of life.....

I was wondering. I think its a prairie at 2 mins 10 in this vid? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-FZdIrKyBk


very nice Dogmagic :thumbs:. I would also say its a Prairie some 11 mins or so in too.


Lovely birds but pretty arsey when first taken up, never flown a straight Prairie but spoke to a few who have. the Pere/Prairie's can be a handfull at first but soon turn their aggresion on quarry when you get them going......

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