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days and days of making damascus knives, finnished at last !

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iv been on the forge for 3 days straight with a few things that i wanted to do some that will fill orders and some for learning .. so here goes in picture with a little text . i have not photoed all

well i seem to have damaged my elbow/ arm making this lot im in some proper pain from it !! no im not making a machette mate , it was a machette blade that i used to make the smaller billet . iv do

yes it is mate . it dont look much yet tho pretty pattern in it .. im sat here with a freak arm swallen and not able to make a fist !! il solder on tho cos im rock hard ha ha iv been out and bout

iv not touched these today ! first day in weeks ha ha .

bar the one paul has had there available . they will al get a good sharped before sending out and i will make sure to polish them up .

im glad there done .

all the best , matt .


ps the axe i made is very very good waidman . iv chopped lots with it and it still shaves your arm (or cuts you ) and you can cut a 1cm hazel stick with one downward slice with out it moving !!

it dont look much but its a good un !!

il shine it up take pics for you . then next ones will be slightly differant but better to look at with the same performance !

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Cheers matt, I will look forward to seeing the hatchet .


Do you have any prices in mind for them? ( both the hatchets and the above knives lol)


I was thinking of something like the small Scandinavian ones you can buy, a foot long?



Once again, top work matey

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thanks mike this lot are popular , if you want to pm me about them , iv had a good few inquires so far .

hatchet il will as allways try to keep them as cheap as possible . a couple of my mates have thos scandi ones and although nice with some nestalga to them i was not overy impressed , they dont hold an edge very long , and to say they have massive factory with huge tooling machines there pretty crude !!

mine will be more early european wrap and weld style with damascus or carbon cutting edge enough to last 100 years is my plan . mine is awsome , i still cant beleave iv made an axe (child hood dream) and that its has so many good atributes .

il take pics to day . i just want to make it pretty first .

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I hope I get first pick of the axes!!


The style of these blades is very nice I think, I hope you dont mind if I make something along those lines when I find a decent saw blade lol.


Great thread, as always a pleasure to follow

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