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Cropsafe Crew (man down)

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Well not be long now before my foot is well enough to get back out there, only trouble is the time is ticking away. I have seen plenty of new green vegetation on the roadside while on the way to the hospital yesterday. This is the sign that it's almost over, you need to see all the holes or it's just a waste of time. The young are starting to get more frequent too and when it's a dig every set that's when we call it a day.

On the brighter side, I sent the Crew (without me) being a friggin cripple at the moment, down to one of the farms, the farmer had seen a fair few rabbits on a boundary hedge. It was to be a tale of 2 halves for them, the morning was excellent and by the time I rang Stevo on my way to have my stitches out the had already got 40.

I took a bit of flack later because just after I rang they had one disaster after another, two six foot digs on the trot etc etc. Well you can't have it good all the time lads "he he"

When I rang the second time they had only managed a few more but were ready to call it a day anyway, and with 47 in the van it was not too bad anyway.

I will be back this Sunday all being well, just have to take it steady for a while though.


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I wasn't allowed to drive (by law) but I couldn't anyway but that's all changed now as Arnie said (I'll be back) and now I am. I was struggling just to stand up never mind walk at first, I hate being stuck in the house I am an outdoor person.

Archie it doesn't matter how many we take they will always recover and be as many the next season, it's proper rabbit country here. Still got 1000's of acres not touched yet. Got a call from a keeper today asking us to do a dyke and hedgerow we did last year and took well over 100 in 2 days, it's solid again.

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theres rumbling in the shooting world about carrying on til the end of febuary,,, if i were a big shooting man i would want this ,, however it would be bad for us ferreters and dog men,,, not getting on some bits till the end of the season

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