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rspca raid

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Poor old Clive Rees must be shitting himself, with all the experts on here he'll be out of business soon.

an yet the guy that come on the other day an warned everybody that doors were about to go in was ridiculed

The fu..worlds gone mad..got smack heads robbing around my area the police know who they are and nothing...there was a nonce working in the local school has a care taker and only just been found out a

just back in from a tough day out on the hill (caught in the worst blizzard ever) an read this post.

First off, what has happened to you , has happened to me TWICE. On both occasions , they gave both my dogs a full health check, an searched my house for signs of hunting,, ie pictures, videos containing myself or the dogs. I should state they found loads of pictures of me out with the dogs, but NONE of me or the dogs with quarry. They even went to the extremes of going through my freezer for animal meats.

The warrant was given as my neighbours complained of me gutting animals, or seeing me leaving early , and arriving late at night , with ruck sacks which appeared to be full. Thats ALL THEY NEEDED TO ACTION THE WARRANT

. After checking my dogs, and asking many an awkward question about one of them containing a few working scars. the dogs were allowed to remain, however that was not the end of the story, this is where you must read the warrant carefully.


The warrant stated that if the dogs were found to be well , and no signs of misuse, and fit enough to remain at the owners property. then the dogs shall will remain with owner , and a 6 month moniter program, actioned by the RSPCA would be put in place. Therefore if and when, in that 6 month period, the Rspca make a random visit and the dogs look to be in a worse condition, or appear to be used for hunting they will be removed instantly and you will be taken to court.


If this is what happened to you, then im sorry you have a slim chance of getting your dogs back, but i wish you all the best.


worth noting ,after this myself and the neighbour in question, had a little chat, and my old friend mr 2lb persuader sorted my neighbours complaints. and i kept the dogs


need to do something better dont they mate! just a quick question i mite sound abit dull but hunting with dogs is not illegal isit?unless its fox hunting,im new to all this and need to ask a couple of questions because when i get my lurcher ans am leaving early ect should i take abit more care leaving with the dog as neighbours could report it and could potentioally have my dog taken ect


your kidding me arent you. yes its illegal. i know some scottish laws differ from the laws down south, but trust me up here, if they catch you, your getting done big time. As for the neighbours, well tell them nothing.


just a wee hint for anyone, quite often if your walkin your dog out in the country or even in a built up area, coming back from some runs, the police might stop you an question you. (particularly if you have a combat jkt on) its always handy to have a wee telescopic fishing rod, and some fishing equipment in your bag, cause theres no law saying you cant fish with your dog , has got me off hook a few times

Make sure you have a rod licence if your using that one, you need one to fish your garden pond. Bloody stupid if you ask me.

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Interesting. I have had lurchers all my life. Run them for food collection and walked them through town most days - I have never even had a police officer question me. My car is sometimes parked in out of the way places, yet I have never had a bit of bother.


I think it must be a case of attitude, appearance and how you generally go about things.

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Got busted by rspca scum yesterday .took three dogs .lamps books locater camera phone .beware.no evidence of any crime just lurcher slitely knocked up

Usually if they are being that thorough they take your computor as well , something not right here .


itll be an rspca inspector using his comp :whistling:

get a grip im on my new phone
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just back in from a tough day out on the hill (caught in the worst blizzard ever) an read this post.

First off, what has happened to you , has happened to me TWICE. On both occasions , they gave both my dogs a full health check, an searched my house for signs of hunting,, ie pictures, videos containing myself or the dogs. I should state they found loads of pictures of me out with the dogs, but NONE of me or the dogs with quarry. They even went to the extremes of going through my freezer for animal meats.

The warrant was given as my neighbours complained of me gutting animals, or seeing me leaving early , and arriving late at night , with ruck sacks which appeared to be full. Thats ALL THEY NEEDED TO ACTION THE WARRANT

. After checking my dogs, and asking many an awkward question about one of them containing a few working scars. the dogs were allowed to remain, however that was not the end of the story, this is where you must read the warrant carefully.


The warrant stated that if the dogs were found to be well , and no signs of misuse, and fit enough to remain at the owners property. then the dogs shall will remain with owner , and a 6 month moniter program, actioned by the RSPCA would be put in place. Therefore if and when, in that 6 month period, the Rspca make a random visit and the dogs look to be in a worse condition, or appear to be used for hunting they will be removed instantly and you will be taken to court.


If this is what happened to you, then im sorry you have a slim chance of getting your dogs back, but i wish you all the best.


worth noting ,after this myself and the neighbour in question, had a little chat, and my old friend mr 2lb persuader sorted my neighbours complaints. and i kept the dogs


need to do something better dont they mate! just a quick question i mite sound abit dull but hunting with dogs is not illegal isit?unless its fox hunting,im new to all this and need to ask a couple of questions because when i get my lurcher ans am leaving early ect should i take abit more care leaving with the dog as neighbours could report it and could potentioally have my dog taken ect


your kidding me arent you. yes its illegal. i know some scottish laws differ from the laws down south, but trust me up here, if they catch you, your getting done big time. As for the neighbours, well tell them nothing.


just a wee hint for anyone, quite often if your walkin your dog out in the country or even in a built up area, coming back from some runs, the police might stop you an question you. (particularly if you have a combat jkt on) its always handy to have a wee telescopic fishing rod, and some fishing equipment in your bag, cause theres no law saying you cant fish with your dog , has got me off hook a few times

Make sure you have a rod licence if your using that one, you need one to fish your garden pond. Bloody stupid if you ask me.


well there you go the laws are different, we dont need a rod licence in scotland, and it aint that stupid its helped me out a few times

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Got busted by rspca scum yesterday .took three dogs .lamps books locater camera phone .beware.no evidence of any crime just lurcher slitely knocked up

Usually if they are being that thorough they take your computor as well , something not right here .


itll be an rspca inspector using his comp :whistling:

get a grip im on my new phone

Change your password then.

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theres lways sum idiot looking for a argument! grow up hes helping and offerin good advice and im sure you dont need a fishing licence if you have a rod in you posession??


thanks for the comment danny, although im not sure, south of the border might need a rod licsence although im not entirely sure, you would need to check that one out.

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Telescopic fishing rod could be classed as training equipment if in the hands of a bull breed owner. No doubt they may class it as the same with any dog with bull in them.


dont know how.


but we are drifting off the topic now, in any event ,i really hope you get your dogs back mate.

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just back in from a tough day out on the hill (caught in the worst blizzard ever) an read this post.

First off, what has happened to you , has happened to me TWICE. On both occasions , they gave both my dogs a full health check, an searched my house for signs of hunting,, ie pictures, videos containing myself or the dogs. I should state they found loads of pictures of me out with the dogs, but NONE of me or the dogs with quarry. They even went to the extremes of going through my freezer for animal meats.

The warrant was given as my neighbours complained of me gutting animals, or seeing me leaving early , and arriving late at night , with ruck sacks which appeared to be full. Thats ALL THEY NEEDED TO ACTION THE WARRANT

. After checking my dogs, and asking many an awkward question about one of them containing a few working scars. the dogs were allowed to remain, however that was not the end of the story, this is where you must read the warrant carefully.


The warrant stated that if the dogs were found to be well , and no signs of misuse, and fit enough to remain at the owners property. then the dogs shall will remain with owner , and a 6 month moniter program, actioned by the RSPCA would be put in place. Therefore if and when, in that 6 month period, the Rspca make a random visit and the dogs look to be in a worse condition, or appear to be used for hunting they will be removed instantly and you will be taken to court.


If this is what happened to you, then im sorry you have a slim chance of getting your dogs back, but i wish you all the best.


worth noting ,after this myself and the neighbour in question, had a little chat, and my old friend mr 2lb persuader sorted my neighbours complaints. and i kept the dogs


need to do something better dont they mate! just a quick question i mite sound abit dull but hunting with dogs is not illegal isit?unless its fox hunting,im new to all this and need to ask a couple of questions because when i get my lurcher ans am leaving early ect should i take abit more care leaving with the dog as neighbours could report it and could potentioally have my dog taken ect


your kidding me arent you. yes its illegal. i know some scottish laws differ from the laws down south, but trust me up here, if they catch you, your getting done big time. As for the neighbours, well tell them nothing.


just a wee hint for anyone, quite often if your walkin your dog out in the country or even in a built up area, coming back from some runs, the police might stop you an question you. (particularly if you have a combat jkt on) its always handy to have a wee telescopic fishing rod, and some fishing equipment in your bag, cause theres no law saying you cant fish with your dog , has got me off hook a few times

It's not illegal to lamp rabbits...

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whats with the 33 guests reading this topic??

.......take a guess!!!!!!! we live in a world of survailance now .....this site is for sure 100 percent monitered by the powers that be and not to mention the weird tree huggers that love to make false accusations also keep there eyes on it....you have to be witty now when out and about and my new one is mushroom foraging ,,i take my mushroom id book and of i go with my dogs ....also people ask what my breeds of dogs are and i say (not sure) i got her from the grey hound rescue center but i,m sure she ain,t a pure greyhound and the other is a mongrel ... also a big no no is camo gear these days ....a nice bergaus jacket and a pair of wellys is what you need to blend in with the neurotic dog walkers......sad really but there you go ,,,,my days of taking on the cops and gamies are over and i stick to mostly ferreting and bushing rabbits now with my lurchers...to many tits about and i cannot be bothering with the grief.....but one thing i will say is FECK ALL ANTIS .....i hate hypocrites and they are up there at the top of the tree....to the lads that are still at it i take my hat of to you,s as the hunting act was just another new labour gimmick to appease the brainless kfc and mcdonalds eating masses....in this country if you want to eat meat you should be made to kill it and butcher yourself as your average punter would soon toughen up and the antis would be told to shut up ...an animal taken while out hunting suffers less in my mind that an animal herded through a abbotoir ....,
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whats with the 33 guests reading this topic??

.......take a guess!!!!!!! we live in a world of survailance now .....this site is for sure 100 percent monitered by the powers that be and not to mention the weird tree huggers that love to make false accusations also keep there eyes on it....you have to be witty now when out and about and my new one is mushroom foraging ,,i take my mushroom id book and of i go with my dogs ....also people ask what my breeds of dogs are and i say (not sure) i got her from the grey hound rescue center but i,m sure she ain,t a pure greyhound and the other is a mongrel ... also a big no no is camo gear these days ....a nice bergaus jacket and a pair of wellys is what you need to blend in with the neurotic dog walkers......sad really but there you go ,,,,my days of taking on the cops and gamies are over and i stick to mostly ferreting and bushing rabbits now with my lurchers...to many tits about and i cannot be bothering with the grief.....but one thing i will say is FECK ALL ANTIS .....i hate hypocrites and they are up there at the top of the tree....to the lads that are still at it i take my hat of to you,s as the hunting act was just another new labour gimmick to appease the brainless kfc and mcdonalds eating masses....in this country if you want to eat meat you should be made to kill it and butcher yourself as your average punter would soon toughen up and the antis would be told to shut up ...an animal taken while out hunting suffers less in my mind that an animal herded through a abbotoir ....,


here here , amen to that.

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