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Border/Lakeland pup too aggresive.

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I have a middleton bred lakey and its head is fooked he's the same atacks anything took nads off him and in my eyes he's worse it does nothing 4 them if u ask me I didn't want to do it as he is realy well bread but the wife couldn't cope and now she realises that its all talk about taking there nads off atb

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What happens if it turns out to be the best thing you've ever had, there's no going back with that drastic move. I'de keep a firm controle over him and give him some work on the rats, he just needs an

theres no such thing as to much aggresion it how you channel it that matters FORGET about castration and grow some balls yourself and get control of him 3foot of blue water pipe should do the trick if

Never simple with terriers unfortunately. I've known some that you could beat till you were blue in the face and it would not make a dent in the aggression, they just become too focused on the job in

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Never simple with terriers unfortunately.


One of the biggest causes of aggression with terriers is not enough socialisation when pups and no outlet for all their drive and energy.


Yep! and at 7 months you need to get a move on or it will be like that for a loooooong time

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Try when he sees another dog just pull the lead say no if it dont work give him a dig with your foot on his chest not massive just a knock to make him put his attention on you.. Or something else so he pays more attention to you maybe learn him to fetch and give him a ball

Edited by panther82
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