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A load of bull..

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Had a brill night out with RobertoM and our bull x's.

Just a short trip out, but the conditions were perfect a good wind and quite a mild night, the fields were fairly boggy in places though.

It was Stella's first proper night lamping this season, firstly she was getting back into condition after her season then she was recovering from injury, so he wanted to take it nice and easy with her.

A good bit of walking, more than we actually needed but my inbuilt sat nav is still broken :icon_redface: Apart from the odd 'I told you it was that way' Robbie was very patient bless him :D

I did not get to see Stella run much as we went our seperate ways, but what i did see she was loving getting back into the swing of things, a lovely calm steady lass, and very tolerant of my idiot, especially when he pulled out of my hand once and caught her rabbit :doh:

Rude boy did me proud tonight, he missed very little, he had some good long runs, the kind when the dog is just a small blur at the end of the lamp, never mind the rabbit. His behaviour is just about back to normal, returning straight away, although some of his retrieves, especially ones sent over a fence were not the best, but most of them were ok. He is a pleasure to take out again, he knows his job. And no evidence of another funny turn. He managed 17 rabbits when we called it a night.


And i got pulled by the police on the way home again...because of my car! But they were very pleasant chaps, over the moon that i caught and gutted my own rabbits. Whilst i was showing one officer the contents, the other one approached after doing a check, he said "Last time you were stopped they said you had about 40 rabbits, looks about the same again" and one of them even called me 'A top lass' :toast:


A most enjoyable night with a total of 25 rabbits in under 3hrs....not bad for a bit of bully :D





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Had a brill night out with RobertoM and our bull x's. Just a short trip out, but the conditions were perfect a good wind and quite a mild night, the fields were fairly boggy in places though. It was

animals they get whats coming , only time ive went on crop was if its hard and dry to hide behind a hedge out of vandals and car jackers eyes lol ,what tearing over sown feilds and root crops ive know

All day yesterday prior to lamping was spent mincing about 100 rabbits, and various other stuff Andy. If i never look at another minced rabbit it will be too soon My coal man took six of the rabbits

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