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pochers pocket lines plz

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did i say shes from tested stuff? no! the sires handy on charlie and the dams handy on small deer species thats all im saying, iv seen a dog of 19" from nothing but rabbiting parents anialate charlies all night long, and if anybody on here 'actually' knows phil and his dogs they would know where im coming from,

your a tosser mate and the more threads you go on just trying too slate people makes your more of a tosser,

I only slate ye lad you make it so easy with your posts though,this 19" dog from rabbiting parents that leathered foxes all night long how many exactly did it anialate ?

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am 30 you prick not a litle boy bin at it years if you had brain cell you would be dangerus

did i say shes from tested stuff? no! the sires handy on charlie and the dams handy on small deer species thats all im saying, iv seen a dog of 19" from nothing but rabbiting parents anialate charlies

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Ban I'm not trying to row with you but whether or not your proud of your dogs line or not its not your place to big up his dogs. Should HE wish to discuss his dogs on the hunting life then he should become a member. How would you feel if what your saying gets him into trouble?

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Ban I'm not trying to row with you but whether or not your proud of your dogs line or not its not your place to big up his dogs. Should HE wish to discuss his dogs on the hunting life then he should become a member. How would you feel if what your saying gets him into trouble?


give him a bell ya self mate he will tell ya. he will be happy with me for doing it too many lads slate his dogs but yet never seen them!

im not bigging his dogs up im tellin gaffer what mines come from. but that twat 'hedz' dedicates his life and pays money too come on here and put folk down dunno who he thinks he is i come on here about twice a week mainly [bANNED TEXT] im travelling too and from work that sad c**t is on here all the time wants too grow up n spend more time with his bull crosses that can bring down elephants single handed and retreive horses pfttt

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did i say shes from tested stuff? no! the sires handy on charlie and the dams handy on small deer species thats all im saying, iv seen a dog of 19" from nothing but rabbiting parents anialate charlies all night long, and if anybody on here 'actually' knows phil and his dogs they would know where im coming from,

your a tosser mate and the more threads you go on just trying too slate people makes your more of a tosser,

I only slate ye lad you make it so easy with your posts though,this 19" dog from rabbiting parents that leathered foxes all night long how many exactly did it anialate ?

couldnt say but your only in notts sort a night out if ye want n we'll see if anything changes ye mind
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Who is this 'phil' and what's so special? Your talking about bedlington/greyhounds right? Now from what I've seen the majority of this cross are a good allround lurcher but they are not the lurcher for a specialist hunter such as a daytime courser or a fox caller.


Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but now adays people actually suggest them as a rabbiting dog, now that to me says that either the bedlingtons of today are not that of years gone by or there is not long enough lines of bedlington lurchers around

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Who is this 'phil' and what's so special? Your talking about bedlington/greyhounds right? Now from what I've seen the majority of this cross are a good allround lurcher but they are not the lurcher for a specialist hunter such as a daytime courser or a fox caller.


Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but now adays people actually suggest them as a rabbiting dog, now that to me says that either the bedlingtons of today are not that of years gone by or there is not long enough lines of bedlington lurchers around


ill correct yah then like yah said, yes talking about bedlington greyhounds of a 30 year strain, iv watched bull lurchers on things that bite back and collie crosses and neither perform anywere near feirce as beddy crosses iv seen on them, maybe iv seen bad bull crosses and collie crosses maybe iv just seen good beddy crosses but thats life and from what iv seen beddy crosses out do bull crosses and collie crosses on charlie, beddy crosses arent the fastest dogs, theyv not got the best stamina, and there far from brainy also have a shit coat but the beddy cross takes alot of beating when it comes too things that bite back i have seen one or two jack but the majority if baught on correctly will succeed on things that bite back, its mainly beddlington whippets that make the good rabbiting dogs, there sharp and stick too rabbits like glue but not heavy enough for things that bite back

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iv got a beddy whippet greyhound bitch out of poachers pocket stuff. coming on well at the minute just started jumping fences. heels on and off the lead and comes back when i say. she can be aggressive towards other dogs if aproched with the wrong body language. shes very game and forward too. she stands 23" tts at 6 1/2 months and is big bonef. very powerful dont think she will be a bad rabbit dog but hopefully she will earn her keep on teeth. ill put some pics up [bANNED TEXT] im on thr laptop

FFS..........6 and half months and very game! On what? Your Mam's slippers!



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personally id say you have seen either bad bullxgreyhounds and bad collie crosses because the bedlington crosses iv seen would never compare to either on foxes.


you still havent answered who this 'phil' is


collie grey better than a bedlington grey on teeth? hmmm

phil haynes


yes proper bred collie crosses out of hardy hill collies that where entered CORRECTLY.sorry to say ive never heard of the man

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Who is this 'phil' and what's so special? Your talking about bedlington/greyhounds right? Now from what I've seen the majority of this cross are a good allround lurcher but they are not the lurcher for a specialist hunter such as a daytime courser or a fox caller.


Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but now adays people actually suggest them as a rabbiting dog, now that to me says that either the bedlingtons of today are not that of years gone by or there is not long enough lines of bedlington lurchers around


ill correct yah then like yah said, yes talking about bedlington greyhounds of a 30 year strain, iv watched bull lurchers on things that bite back and collie crosses and neither perform anywere near feirce as beddy crosses iv seen on them, maybe iv seen bad bull crosses and collie crosses maybe iv just seen good beddy crosses but thats life and from what iv seen beddy crosses out do bull crosses and collie crosses on charlie, beddy crosses arent the fastest dogs, theyv not got the best stamina, and there far from brainy also have a shit coat but the beddy cross takes alot of beating when it comes too things that bite back i have seen one or two jack but the majority if baught on correctly will succeed on things that bite back, its mainly beddlington whippets that make the good rabbiting dogs, there sharp and stick too rabbits like glue but not heavy enough for things that bite back

i have never seen a bedlington whippet as good as you describe,heartbeat done more for the breed than working ability.

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iv got a beddy whippet greyhound bitch out of poachers pocket stuff. coming on well at the minute just started jumping fences. heels on and off the lead and comes back when i say. she can be aggressive towards other dogs if aproched with the wrong body language. shes very game and forward too. she stands 23" tts at 6 1/2 months and is big bonef. very powerful dont think she will be a bad rabbit dog but hopefully she will earn her keep on teeth. ill put some pics up [bANNED TEXT] im on thr laptop

FFS..........6 and half months and very game! On what? Your Mam's slippers!




again by game i dont mean game on anything that bites back why does everyone see the word game and associate it with teeth?

by game i mean shes always up for it that meaning anything wether its going through bushes jumping fences killing rats etc etc, i didnt mention being game on charlie :hmm:

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Who is this 'phil' and what's so special? Your talking about bedlington/greyhounds right? Now from what I've seen the majority of this cross are a good allround lurcher but they are not the lurcher for a specialist hunter such as a daytime courser or a fox caller.


Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but now adays people actually suggest them as a rabbiting dog, now that to me says that either the bedlingtons of today are not that of years gone by or there is not long enough lines of bedlington lurchers around


ill correct yah then like yah said, yes talking about bedlington greyhounds of a 30 year strain, iv watched bull lurchers on things that bite back and collie crosses and neither perform anywere near feirce as beddy crosses iv seen on them, maybe iv seen bad bull crosses and collie crosses maybe iv just seen good beddy crosses but thats life and from what iv seen beddy crosses out do bull crosses and collie crosses on charlie, beddy crosses arent the fastest dogs, theyv not got the best stamina, and there far from brainy also have a shit coat but the beddy cross takes alot of beating when it comes too things that bite back i have seen one or two jack but the majority if baught on correctly will succeed on things that bite back, its mainly beddlington whippets that make the good rabbiting dogs, there sharp and stick too rabbits like glue but not heavy enough for things that bite back

i have never seen a bedlington whippet as good as you describe,heartbeat done more for the breed than working ability.


then you'v seen bad bedlington crosses, either way they do it for me i know there capable of catching and dispatching things that bite back, catching large numbers of rabbits in a good nights lamping and take long ears on the lamp too, nice munty dogs aswell, people under-estimate them down too the size but that really dont bother me like i said they do it for me over other crosses end of discussion

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