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hatsan escort

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Like Marmite mate, some love it some don't.

Mine is about two years old now and only ever jammed about 4 times, and this was always due to cleaning it and then adding gun oil.

These seem to like to run dry....


Have used it for clays, thrown around in woods and on my vermin shoots etc no issues with different types of loads etc.


Love mine.

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I've had one for over a year now, and like you, heard good and bad reports, all i can say is that for the money and the 3 years warranty you cant go wrong, if you have a problem they will fix it, i use mine for wildfowling, and clays and only had the odd light cartridgre not cycle when clay shooting, how i see it is i mainly do wildfowling and when doing this type of shooting its very likely that you will knock and scratch you gun get it wet etc, so for me its the perfect tool for the job, would love something more expensive but i think i would leave it in the cabinet as i wouldnt want it to get ruined, simple fact of the matter is i will use it for the three years and then prob get another one, and for just over £100 a year for 3 years isn't a bad cost for a gun in my eyes.

I agree with others there are better made guns out there but you need to weigh up what the gun is used for, how much you will use it and where it will be used.


Hope that helps

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Mine works fine with 28g,30g 32g and 3" mags,,, tend to use 30g most. If you do buy one keep the mag tube clean and wet keep a film of oil on the outside of the tube, stops the crap from the gas port building up,,, this crap buggers the O ring and helps gum up the works. Ive found mine to be just as good as my old Reminton 1100.......... For an all round gun id go for a PROPA GUN, 28" SidexSide Ejector, if funds will stretch a sidelock,,,

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I've had mine for nearly 18 months and not had any trouble. It cycles anything i put through it. Mine is the FAC 7+1 version

I use it for rough shooting and clays with friends. I buy the cheapest ammo that my gunsmith has on offer to clay shoot.


Great value, good kit supplied when bought new like chokes and stock packers.

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