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i feel for your mates who have to put up with your bitching you big girl


Yeah - my earlier suspicions have been confirmed 'drw81' you are a retard!!! You've made a real impression on some obviously knowledgeable guys and girls on this site. You've made some real friends. Now why don't you piss off and annoy someone on Facebook.

you still bitching

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Oh hello sandymere :bye:   Is this an article written by your self with more slightly derogatory undertones, trying to discredit what i post again!   I am afraid my view is the opposite to your

Sandymere,   your posts are verging on the interesting, but i'm afraid i only glance through because you come accross as an arrogant bore.   Cheers Pernod

I wouldint go has far has saying the sand mans posts are interesting ,40yrs plus tells me all i need to know about raw feeding flesh offal and carcass and bone atb bunnys.

seeing as were all putting meat pics up :thumbs: 50lbs of beef and horse meat £10, just got to cut it up :doh:





Hey all good eh? Never fed horsemeat - how do they do on it?

I'd have a giant slice of that on the bbq for myself :D

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Now I rarely get personal on forums but rather keep my posts slightly mocking rather than call another a fool but sometimes it is hard not to especially when people trying to advocate their own personal view start getting called retard etc. I may not necessarily agree with drw81 but there is good evidence to support his view and I would not feed pet quality meat raw and so this as with most things it comes down to personal choices.

A couple of things, 1: only someone who knows very little about digestion would suggest that less is necessarily better as far as stool volumes are concerned. 2: people who state raw is better but then post that they feed cooked grains ie bread, pasta etc are not feeding raw but a mixed diet. Then there is this type of post, and I quote scails and tails, “out most nights in season or year round working our dogs until they physically can't run anymore†lordy! If a dog runs till exhaustion on a few consecutive nights then it will breakdown, anyone with any experience knows that. Biological systems aren’t able to cope with such stresses and only a very poor stockman would run a dog to near collapse other than through accident and to do so regularly if plain silly.

Lastly a couple of things, raw meat alone is not a balanced diet, we do have a digestive tract that is almost the same as a dog and dogs are deigned to eat an omnivorous diet.

Ps I can as usual back up what I post and anyone who starts on about teeth is plain stupid.

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Guest jt750

i read a lot of stuff about feeding BARF or raw before i started mine on it. One thing i did glean that stood out above everything was the fact if a dog wasn't fed BARF it had a repressed digestive system due to what else was being fed which led to a repressed immune system in some dogs.A dogs digestive tract is very dofferent from ours which means it digests things more efficiently than us. Because i feed mine bread and pasta every now and again it doesn't mean to say they are not on a raw diet ..thas a bit nit picky to say the least. The basis of my feeding is dog grade raw meat along with raw veg every other day ..be it brassicas root veg or salad items and they get the bread and pasta when its left over.

As for the stool volume it must mean you are feeding better due to the fact the dog produces less waste. 2lb of BARF =6/8oz waste ? 2lb dry = enough to p1ss you off when you have to clean it up so surely you must be feeding a lot of stuff that can't be digested by the dog

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seeing as were all putting meat pics up :thumbs: 50lbs of beef and horse meat £10, just got to cut it up :doh:


Where do you get that from TOMO? Anywhere local? Would they have anymore for sale? Im looking for a better supplier as the butchers I get my stuff from only lasts a few days as its 'well matured', goes rank fast!

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i read a lot of stuff about feeding BARF or raw before i started mine on it. One thing i did glean that stood out above everything was the fact if a dog wasn't fed BARF it had a repressed digestive system due to what else was being fed which led to a repressed immune system in some dogs.A dogs digestive tract is very dofferent from ours which means it digests things more efficiently than us. Because i feed mine bread and pasta every now and again it doesn't mean to say they are not on a raw diet ..thas a bit nit picky to say the least. The basis of my feeding is dog grade raw meat along with raw veg every other day ..be it brassicas root veg or salad items and they get the bread and pasta when its left over.

As for the stool volume it must mean you are feeding better due to the fact the dog produces less waste. 2lb of BARF =6/8oz waste ? 2lb dry = enough to p1ss you off when you have to clean it up so surely you must be feeding a lot of stuff that can't be digested by the dog

Repressed digestive system? I’m afraid that is incorrect :no: . Repressed immune system again incorrect :no: . Please post your sources.

Stool volumes, lordy, you never heard of bacterial activity in the colon? Etc etc please if you have really done your research I would not need to be answering. Again can you post you sources.

Look at the structure of a dogs and humans digestive tract, the processes involved, the chemicals produced etc and you will find them almost identical. There are variances but these are so often oversold in an attempt to validate BARF which is the wrong way of doing things, what you should do is look at what happens then come up with a theory not come up with a theory and try to make the facts fit.

I feed raw meat as part of a balanced diet but part not all and raw meat alone is not a good diet and misses opportunity do utilse the brilliant digestive system of a dog to it’s full potential.

Ps, again if you feed processed cereals like pasta etc then you are not feeding a raw diet, not nit picking just basic fact, they are not raw but processed.

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Influence of Feeding Raw or Extruded Feline Diets on Nutrient Digestibility and Nitrogen Metabolism of African Wildcats (Felis lybica)Detail Only Available

Vester, BM; Burke, SL; Liu, KJ; Dikeman, CL; Simmons, LG; Swanson, KS. ZOO BIOLOGY; NOV-DEC, 2010; 29; 6; p676-p686


The above states that in RAW feeding protein digestibility is much higher, faecal matter is lessened and contains far less nitrogen (good for your lawn) than feeding kibble.


Perceptions, practices, and consequences associated with foodborne pathogens and the feeding of raw meat to dogsDetail Only Available

Lenz, J; Joffe, D; Kauffman, M; Zhang, YF; LeJeune, J. CANADIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL-REVUE VETERINAIRE CANADIENNE; JUN, 2009; 50; 6; p637-p643


States that dog poop might have a few more germs when feeding raw and eating dog poo or eating with poo on your hands might make you ill.

Edited by scalesntails
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Lordy....who the hell says lordy????


However the digestive system of the dog works, the bottom line is that most dried food is made up of shite meat and fillers, fact!


Raw is better, but needs suplimenting with other things such as raw veg etc.



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